Exploring the Health Benefits of Matcha: Is it the Ultimate Superdrink?

2023-09-03 05:41:10

Matcha is an increasingly popular drink..is it healthy?




The Japanese matcha tea drink has become one of the most important drinks whose popularity is growing rapidly, especially among those interested in health and fitness. But what makes matcha different and so popular, what are the benefits it offers, and does it have some caveats?

Matcha tea is classified into two types Green tea It is considered one of the finest types of Japanese tea. It has become very popular with many, especially those interested in healthy diets. Scientific research indicates many health benefits of matcha tea, here are the most important of them:

Rich in antioxidants:

Matcha tea contains large amounts of antioxidants known as “catechins”, which play a major role in reducing cellular oxidation and protecting against chronic diseases. According to what was published by the American (Healthline) website.

Liver protection:

Some research indicates that matcha can help keep you healthy Liver health which plays an important role in processing toxins and chemicals within the body.

Miscellaneous | 09/04/2017

Enhance brain functions:

According to studies, matcha can improve mental focus and mental functions, thanks to its high caffeine content and the compound “theanine”, which improves the potency of caffeine.

Anti-cancer properties

Matcha tea contains compounds that show promising results in combating the growth of cancer cells in laboratory experiments, but more research is needed to confirm these benefits.

Weight loss

Consuming matcha tea can contribute to weight loss and increase fat burning.

However, despite all these benefits, nutritionists advise the necessity of moderation in the consumption of matcha, especially because it contains caffeine and stimulant compounds, which may cause many symptoms in pregnant women or those suffering from high blood pressure, according to what was published by the “Fairy Well” website. American Health.

R.D / P.A.J

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

While Germany ranks 84th in the list of tea-consuming countries, with an estimated annual per capita consumption of 30 liters of tea. The people of East Frisia, in northwest Germany, drink more tea than any other region in the world, with annual tea consumption around 300 liters per person – 100 liters more than the average in the UK.

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

In East Frisia on Germany’s North Sea coast, tea rituals have evolved over the years to combat the bitter cold of winter. A strong black mixture of leaves (Assam tea) is prepared, which is brewed in a pot and served in porcelain cups with a pinch of sugar, and a little cream to add the flavor of the milk – be careful, don’t stir!

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

A Sunday ritual to enjoy interesting conversation over coffee and cake, over a pot of hot tea and pancakes can also include. And with tea the most popular beverage in the world, it’s no wonder coffee isn’t on everyone’s menu. In East Frisia where tea rituals are well known, it is said that out of courtesy and respect for your host, you should never leave without at least 3 cups of tea!

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

The German Tea Association in Hamburg forms an annual tea tasting team, evaluating the samples according to their characteristics, and verifying that they conform to the specifications on the labels in terms of origin and quality. In case you’re not one of the group, you can reserve your own tea samples at the Tea Museum in Lier, Germany.

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

The most popular beverage in the world, even surpassing coffee! Tea consumption reached record levels in 2016, including in Germany. According to the Tea Association, Germans tend to prefer black tea to green tea. Opinions differ on which is better, wrapped or unwrapped tea, as 60 percent of people prefer unwrapped tea.

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

While the British take tea and cake time seriously and stick to it, the Germans do not like adding cream to their tea, rather they prefer to drink black tea with a little sugar.

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

Order menus in cafés across Germany include fresh ginger and fresh mint leaves – a popular hot beverage. However, the German Tea Association does not classify it as a type of tea. To be considered a hot drink (tea), it must contain black or green tea leaves.

Customs and rituals of preparing and drinking tea in Germany!

Cure what’s bothering you. The supermarket has dedicated shelves only to the many types of healing teas. While some prefer to refer to these drinks by their ingredients, such as cinnamon. And the modern marketing of teas comes according to different types of treatments, such as tea that helps sleep, or digestion, and so on. Country Teens / Reem Dhawa.

#Matcha #increasingly #popular #drink..is #healthy

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