Exploring the Future of App Stores on iOS: The Implications of the Digital Markets Act

2023-07-05 17:00:58

Ivan Kuznetsov 07/05/2023 The fact that at the presentation of WWDC 2023, Apple did not say a word about alternative app stores for the iPhone, literally stunned users who were waiting for their appearance. People were ready to put up with a minimum number of innovations in iOS 17, but only on the condition that they were given the opportunity to download software from outside. Therefore, it is logical that when the company’s speakers pretended that nothing of the kind was planned, many were really worried, deciding that there would be no analogues of the App Store on iOS. And this version is still not without meaning, because Apple has every reason not to give us what we want. The Digital Markets Act, which requires Apple to allow downloads of apps not from the App Store, was not as peremptory as everyone thought Why the Digital Markets Act is needed iOS 17 did not introduce sideloading, because the Digital Markets Act will only start working on March 5, 2024 The European law on digital markets, which should oblige Apple to allow downloading applications on the iPhone from outside, was adopted last year, but it will not finally enter into force until March 5, 2024. Thus, purely technically, Apple is not yet obliged to comply with its requirements. Another thing is whether she will take this step at all? Indeed, along with the obvious inconvenience, he must also deprive her of part of her earnings. And if there is a chance to avoid it, then it would be extremely stupid not to use it. ⚡️ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL IN ZEN AND READ THE BEST ARTICLES BY OUR AUTHORS WHILE YOU CAN monopoly companies is to allow payment for in-app purchases and subscriptions through third-party payment systems. Cupertino opposed this the most, but last year they made a similar relief for users from Russia due to the difficulty of making payments through the App Store. Secondly, no one requires the company to allow alternative app stores and even more so to create tools for their appearance. This conclusion was already made by the users themselves, being unable to imagine that it would be possible to download software on iOS simply in the form of installation files, like on Android. But this is exactly how it should have been according to the plan of European legislators. Thirdly, if you strictly follow the letter of the law, then Apple generally has a chance not to implement downloading applications from outside the App Store in iOS. It’s all about one small but very significant wording that allows companies subject to the law to derogate from its provisions if it is not technically possible to comply with the requirements, and also if this “endangers the integrity of hardware or software.” Why there is no App Store equivalent on iOS It turns out that Apple has a chance to not comply with the law on digital markets if it violates the integrity of its ecosystem The last wording is of great importance for this whole story, as it can serve as the basis for filing a lawsuit by Apple. The company may well cling to this clause in order to knock out the right to not comply with the requirements of the law on digital markets. And since such proceedings almost always last for years, in Cupertino, in this way, they may well knock out a couple of years for themselves to absolutely legitimately ignore the European authorities. ⚡️ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR TELEGRAM CHAT, THERE YOU WILL BE ANSWERED FOR ANY QUESTIONS ON APPLE TECHNOLOGY Does this necessarily mean that the company will go to court? Not at all. Apple, being focused on commercial success, measures everything in money. Therefore, if her lawyers consider that the game is worth the candle, litigation is not excluded. However, in this case, Cupertino is at risk of losing, and if this happens, Apple will have to pay a large fine. But it’s still worth the risk, because they want too much from the company. After all, sideloading applications is not the only requirement of the law. Will the message from iMessage reach WhatsApp The law also obliges Apple to allow sending messages from iMessage to WhatsApp In addition to it, Apple is also required to allow sending messages from iMessage to third-party messengers. It sounds crazy, but in this way European legislators are trying to make the market for messaging services wider. The problem is that today it is almost impossible for new players to gain a foothold there, since no one will go to the messenger, where there is no large audience. Therefore, EU authorities want iMessage users to be able to write to WhatsApp and other services and vice versa. ⚡️ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ALIBABA CHEST TELEGRAM CHANNEL AND BUY ONLY TOP PRODUCTS FROM ALIEXPRESS But this is more difficult. As we know, Apple at one time tried to port iMessage to Android, but it was prevented by the peculiarities of the message encryption protocol. As a result, Cupertino simply abandoned this project and, even when the RCS technology appeared, they did not return to it due to the lack of visible benefits. Now that iMessage is even less popular than, say, 5 years ago, spending money on integrating it with other messengers will be even less rational. Therefore, it is very likely that Apple will try to turn this project into a farce by offering third-party developers too difficult conditions for mutual work. Will there be alternatives to the App Store on iOS In fact, on iOS, you can easily and easily install almost any application without the App Store Now as for third-party app stores. Obviously, they won’t appear on iOS anytime soon. Apple simply will not allow this, and the law does not require it. Another thing is downloading application installation files from the side according to the APK model on Android. Despite the fact that the law clearly requires the company to allow sideloading, there is no doubt that it will not just go for it. Therefore, it is highly likely that events will develop as follows: ⚡️ SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECHNOKOT TELEGRAM CHANNEL. THIS IS THE AGGREGATION OF THE BEST ARTICLES, NEWS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE APPLEINSIDER.RU EDITORIAL VERSION. YOU’LL LOVE Until March 2024, we won’t see any movement from Apple in this direction at all. Then, when the competent authorities of the European Union turn to the company with a demand to comply with the law, it will try to challenge it, referring to the violation of the integrity of the ecosystem. The antitrust authorities responsible for enforcing the Digital Markets Act will issue a fine to Apple that it will not pay. Instead, Apple will go to court and sue EU authorities for another year or two, or as long as the circumstances of the case require. If the case is lost, the company may well claim that installing third-party applications without the App Store on the iPhone is possible and file an appeal, and then a cassation, which will take another year. And there you will see.
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