Exploring the Enigmatic Depths of Toluca Prison in Silent Hill 2: Your Ultimate Collectibles Handbook

Image: Push ‍Square

Strange Photo #1: Four Months to Go

Images: Push Square

To advance, ‌proceed to Cell E10 and navigate⁢ through the gap in the wall to reach the adjacent room with the ‍ Armory Key, along with ammunition and health items. You can access the Witness Checkpoint through the door, then ⁢unlock the next door to return to the 1F Main Section. With the Armory Key now in your possession, you can unlock the cabinet containing the Rifle.

Images:‌ Push Square

Afterward, return to the Scales located in the Yard and place the Heavy Weight and the Small Weight on‌ the⁣ left side, while positioning the Medium Weight on the right. This action will‌ unlock the Hornless Ox door in Block A.

Image: Push Square

Next, head there and ascend the stairs to the 2F. Retrieve the​ Memo from the left-hand wall, then‍ proceed right along ‌ Block C ‌ to the Guardroom, where you will ‌discover the Block D Key in the desk drawer.

Memo #3: Guard’s Letter

Following⁤ the adjustment of⁢ the weights on the Scales that unlocks the Hornless Ox door, ascend the​ staircase immediately afterward and navigate the corridor‌ on floor 2F“`html
Changing Room for a Syringe, Rifle Rounds, and another Memo.

Memo #6: Crumpled Note

Shortly after Memo #5: Paranoid Note, traverse ⁢through the Toilets ‍into the Changing Rooms to discover this Memo situated on a bench.

Images: Push ⁣Square

Enter the Showers area nearby to stock up on ample ammunition, in addition to a Glimpse of the ⁤Past on the right-hand wall as you arrive. On the back wall, a hole exists where James can insert his hand; accept the exploration prompt⁢ three times to obtain the Heavy Weight. The room will become chaotic with foes as soon as you acquire it, so proceed with caution.

Glimpses of the Past #3

Upon entering the Showers area on floor 2F, cling to the right-hand wall from the entry viewpoint, and this Glimpse of the Past will be located on the floor beside a decayed ‍section of the ‍wall.

Images: Push ⁤Square

Retrace your ⁣route back through the Toilets and Block C to ascend the staircase down to floor 1F and the Scales in the Yard. Now it’s ⁣time to unlock the Eyeless Boar door, which is achieved by placing the ​smallest ‌weight on the left,‌ followed by all the others on the right.‍ Proceed there now to gain entry to the Boar Section of floor ⁤ 1F.

Image: ‌Push Square

Follow the corridor around to the right to enter the Warehouse, ⁢where two adversaries need to be dispatched. You can then collect a Strange Photo ​from“`html
the corridor surrounding‍ the Break Room ‌in the Boar Section of floor 1F, navigate towards the southwest corner where chairs and beds are‌ piled against a‍ door. In front of them lies the Glimpse of the Past on the ground.

Images: Push Square

The Infirmary is your⁣ next destination, where as many ammo and health supplies await as there are foes. Explore the area once the latter are eliminated, then proceed to the back room to discover the Upper​ Floor Key and a Memo on the desk‌ across from it. The Upper Floor Key can be utilized on the locked door in the corridor encircling the Break Room, so backtrack and⁣ unlock ⁣it next.

Memo #8: Unfinished Report

In the Infirmary area, move towards the room at the back and you’ll⁤ find the Unfinished Report on a desk across from the Upper ‌Floor Key.

Images: Push Square

The staircase will elevate ⁢you to a‌ new section of floor 2F to unlock a shortcut ‍into Block C and Block⁣ D, ‌and then further up to⁤ floor 3F leading to the​ Warden’s Office. Save your game in the chamber to the left, then interact with the Typewriter on the main desk. All you need to do here is press the “Tab” key — the one you default to when interacting with the Typewriter — 3 times. This opens a drawer beneath​ it to unveil the Light ⁣Weight.

Images: Push Square</“`html
Cell F6, you’ll⁢ find The Lightest Weight. Picking it up ‍locks the door ⁤behind you, and it will seem as if someone is pounding on it from the opposite side. Collect the Confession from the wall, and then the⁢ pounding will eventually cease.

Memo #9: Confession

Enter Cell F6 after restoring power to it and retrieve The Lightest Weight from the floor. Doing so secures the door behind you and reveals the Memo attached to the wall.

Images: Push Square

Once you’re ready to exit Cell F6, go into Cell F9 and make an⁢ opening in the⁤ wall to reach the ladder in Cell F10. This⁢ will take you back ⁤up to the main ​floor 1F, providing convenient access to the Scales in​ the Yard. ​Upon​ your return, a⁢ Gallows will appear behind the Scales, depicting someone being hanged along with 2 Pyramid Heads. Save your progress, then interact⁤ with the Scales. This time, you must adjust the dial to point directly upward towards⁣ the sword.⁤ Here’s how to achieve that:

Image:‍ Push Square

Upon solving the ⁤puzzle, you’ll receive the Execution Lever, which can be placed into the slot on‌ the Gallows. Next, you need to align the poem verses, with the solution detailed through the link below:

Once you’ve successfully aligned the poem verses and pulled the correct rope, you’ll drop through ⁢the floor into a‍ new area. Proceed through the morgue and jump down the hole when ⁣prompted, then do so again ⁣at the next hole. The Elevator at the bottom will automatically begin operating once⁤ you enter it,

Historical Society in Silent Hill⁣ 2 and all its Collectibles beneficial? Our Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough continues in our Labyrinth Walkthrough, and we have even more insights and details in our comprehensive⁢ Silent Hill 2 guide.

Up Next: Labyrinth

Liam has spent​ his formative years with a PlayStation controller in his hands, cherishing games ‍like ⁢Metal Gear Solid. Today, he ⁣enjoys exploring the latest and greatest PS5 titles while also rooting ‌for Derby County. That last aspect is his undoing.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the provided title about exploring the roof area in a game setting:

R that leads up to the roof area. Here, you can explore further and find additional items that may aid in your journey. Be cautious, as this area may have hostile entities lurking around.

Additional Exploration

After you’ve navigated the roof area and collected any significant items, make your way back down through the ladder into the main building. From there, you can decide to either revisit previously explored areas to pick up missed collectibles or continue to advance into new sections that you have yet to conquer.

Strategy Tips

  • Inventory Management: Always keep an eye on your inventory, especially after collecting new weights and ammunition. It’s crucial to maintain a good supply of health items as well, as the enemies become more aggressive.
  • Environmental Awareness: Pay attention to your surroundings. Many items can be hidden in nooks and crannies, and some areas may have lighten-checks to allow you to access hidden passages.

Next Objectives

  • Use the various weights you’ve collected to unlock additional doors that will lead you deeper into the mystery surrounding the prison.
  • Continue to gather memos and glimpses of the past as they not only provide background stories but may also offer hints for solving puzzles or understanding the lore of the game.


Games like Silent Hill 2 require exploration, attention to detail, and a strategic approach to progression. By following the steps outlined and utilizing the resources gathered, players can effectively navigate the challenges presented within the Toluca Prison. Always be ready for surprises, and stay alert as you uncover more of the eerie narrative woven throughout the game.



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