Exploring the Earth’s Secrets: Insights from Christophe Larroque of Géoazur

This Saturday evening, September 14, an earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale was felt in the Var and on the Côte d’Azur. A common phenomenon? What is the first step to take? Seismologist Christophe Larroque of Géoazur enlightens us.

It was 8:47 p.m. when an earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale shook the Var and the Côte d’Azur. No damage was reported, although it had no impact, it surprised a good number of people from Antibes.

I was on the couch and it felt like someone was moving it.

We were in our hotel, suddenly we heard the alarm go off and everyone went outside. We thought there was a fire, but no, it was this morning that we heard there had been an earthquake, that’s what must have triggered the alarm.

For seismologist Christophe Larroque of Géoazur, earthquakes of low magnitude, “we have them almost every day, but they are of low magnitude and are hardly felt by the population.“. Last night’s phenomenon occurs every five to ten years, but it was still unpredictable in one respect.

We are not used to having earthquakes at sea, in general, it is rather in Nice and Monaco and on the Italian side. The intensity felt by the inhabitants was manifested from the coast to the hinterland including quite far since it was even felt in Aix-en-Provence.

The south-east of France, the Pyrenees and part of the Alpine chain are among the areas with moderate seismic risk. For example, in Cannes for several years, students have been trained on the risk of tsunamis in the Mediterranean.

During an earthquake, it is good to know what actions to take to avoid any danger.

As indicated by the Var prefecture, during an earthquake, it is essential to be sheltered. Stay away from windows and do not stay near power lines. Stop moving around and stay attentive to the development of the situation before making observations and leaving your home.

The French Central Seismological Bureau (BCSF) is calling on people who felt the earthquake to provide testimony on this link.

– How often do ​earthquakes occur in the south-east of France?

Understanding Earthquakes in the​ South-East of⁢ France: What ⁢You Need to Know

This Saturday evening, ⁣a 4.3-magnitude earthquake⁢ shook the Var and the Côte d’Azur, leaving many residents wondering if this was a common phenomenon and what steps⁤ to‍ take in ​case of an ⁤earthquake. In‍ this article, we’ll delve into the world of seismology and explore the‌ frequency of earthquakes in the region, what to​ do ‍during an earthquake, and how to prepare for the unexpected.

Earthquakes in the South-East of‌ France: A Common‍ Occurrence?

According to seismologist ⁢Christophe Larroque of Géoazur, earthquakes⁤ of low magnitude are a ⁢daily occurrence ‍in‌ the region,​ but ‌most go unnoticed by the population. However, an ⁣earthquake of 4.3 magnitude, like the one​ that occurred on Saturday, is a relatively ‌rare‌ phenomenon‌ that happens every five ⁢to ten years. What makes this earthquake stand out is that it occurred at ⁢sea, which is‌ unusual ​for the region.

Seismic Risk in the South-East of France

The south-east of France, including the Pyrenees and parts of the ⁣Alpine chain, is considered an area of moderate seismic risk. In fact, the region ⁣has been​ training students in Cannes on the risk of tsunamis in the ‍Mediterranean for several years. While the frequency and intensity ⁣of earthquakes⁣ in⁢ the region are not as high as in other parts of⁤ the world, it’s essential‌ for residents to be aware of ⁤the‍ risks ‌and⁣ take necessary precautions.

What to Do During an Earthquake

When an earthquake strikes,​ it’s crucial to‌ know what actions⁤ to take to avoid any danger. Here are some essential ⁣steps to​ take:

Stay sheltered:⁢ Move ​away from windows and power lines, and stay inside⁤ your home.

Don’t panic: Stop moving around and stay attentive to the situation​ before making observations and leaving⁣ your home.

Avoid hazardous areas: Steer clear of hazardous areas like electrical machinery, gas pipework, ⁤and heavy furniture that could fall.

Preparing for ‍the Unexpected

While earthquakes ⁤can ‍be unpredictable, there are steps⁢ you can take to prepare for‌ the ⁤unexpected:

Create a emergency kit: Assemble a​ kit with essential items⁤ like a first aid​ kit, a battery-powered‌ radio, and⁣ a flashlight.

Practice earthquake drills: Conduct regular earthquake drills ‍with ‌your family to‍ ensure everyone ⁤knows what to do in case of an earthquake.

Stay⁤ informed: Stay ⁣up-to-date with the latest information‌ on earthquakes ⁢in the ‍region and any evacuation⁣ procedures⁢ in place.


Earthquakes⁤ can⁣ be ​unpredictable and unsettling, ​but by understanding the risks and ‍taking⁤ necessary precautions,⁢ you can minimize the risks and stay safe.⁢ Remember, during an earthquake,⁤ stay sheltered, stay ‌calm, and stay informed.⁣ By working together, we can create a safer and more resilient community.

Keywords: earthquake, south-east of France, seismic​ risk, Géoazur,​ Christophe Larroque, Var, Côte d’Azur, Pyrenees, Alpine chain,⁣ tsunami, seismic monitoring, ⁢emergency kit, earthquake ⁢drills.

Meta‌ Description: Learn about the frequency and intensity ‌of earthquakes ⁢in ‌the south-east of ‍France, ‌what ‌to do during an ⁣earthquake, and how to‍ prepare for the⁢ unexpected.

Optimized Images: Use ⁣relevant images ⁣of earthquakes, seismic zones, and emergency preparedness kits, with alt tags and​ descriptions that include ​target ⁣keywords.

What are the best safety measures to take during an earthquake on the French Riviera?

Earthquake on the French Riviera: Understanding the Phenomenon and Knowing How to React

This Saturday evening, September 14, 2024, a moderate earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale struck the Var and Côte d’Azur region in France. While no damage was reported, the sudden tremors caught many residents off guard, leaving them wondering what happened and how to respond in such situations.

The Earthquake: A Moderate but Unpredictable Phenomenon

According to seismologist Christophe Larroque of Géoazur, earthquakes of low magnitude are not uncommon in the region, occurring almost daily, but are often hardly felt by the population. The recent earthquake, however, was unusual in that it occurred at sea, rather than in the typical areas of Nice, Monaco, and the Italian side. The intensity of the quake was felt from the coast to the hinterland, even reaching as far as Aix-en-Provence.

The South-East of France: A Region of Moderate Seismic Risk

The south-east of France, including the Pyrenees and part of the Alpine chain, is considered an area of moderate seismic risk. In recent years, students in Cannes have even been trained on the risk of tsunamis in the Mediterranean. While earthquakes are not frequent in the region, it’s essential to be prepared and know how to react in the event of a tremor.

What to Do During an Earthquake

In the event of an earthquake, it’s crucial to follow simple steps to avoid danger. According to the Var prefecture, during an earthquake:

Stay sheltered: Move away from windows and power lines.

Stop moving: Avoid trying to exit the building or moving around.

Stay attentive: Wait for the situation to stabilize before making observations and leaving your home.

The Importance of Testimony and Seismic Monitoring

The French Central Seismological Bureau (BCSF) is calling on people who felt the earthquake to provide testimony on their website. This helps seismologists to better understand the phenomenon and improve their monitoring systems. In fact, the BCSF has a dedicated network for seismic monitoring, which detected the recent earthquake and provided essential information to the authorities.


While earthquakes can be unsettling, understanding the phenomenon and knowing how to react can greatly reduce the risk of injury or damage. By staying informed and prepared, residents of the Var and Côte d’Azur region can minimize the impact of such events and ensure their safety.

Keyword-rich subheadings:

Understanding Earthquakes on the French Riviera

The Recent Earthquake: A Moderate but Unpredictable Phenomenon

Seismic Risk in the South-East of France

What to Do During an Earthquake: Simple Steps to Safety

The Importance of Testimony and Seismic Monitoring

Meta description: Learn about the recent earthquake on the French Riviera, understanding the phenomenon, and knowing how to react. Discover the seismic risk in the south-east of France and the importance of testimony and monitoring.

SEO keywords: Earthquake, French Riviera, Var, Côte d’Azur, earthquake risk, seismic monitoring, seismic risk, earthquake safety, France, Mediterranean.



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