Exploring the Diverse Dimensions of Autism

Exploring the Diverse Dimensions of Autism

Showing another side of autism, such as the skills that people with this condition develop and not just the difficulties they face, while telling a story in which the viewer understands the behavior of people with the disorder is the focus of the work “337 Km”.

The production will premiere next Friday, the 26th, at 8 pm, at the Olimpo Cultural Center.

The production, which is a beneficiary of the Municipal Funds for Young Creators, will also have performances on Saturday 27th, and on 2nd and 3rd August, in all cases at 8pm.

Carlos Sarmiento, director of the production and of the Mitos Teatro group, highlights that when he read the story he felt it was necessary to stage it, not only because he identified with the boy in the story, but because it addresses autism in a different way and raises awareness about this issue and the challenges faced by people with this condition.

He says that, in addition to working in the cultural and artistic field, he is a teacher and on a daily basis he has had to deal with the care of students with autism without having specialized training or the support of psychologists to understand the behavior of these children, their social and cognitive difficulties, and he had to manage on his own to identify with them and establish an emotional bond.

For this reason, when he read the work “337 Km” by the Spaniard Manuel Benito he did not hesitate to stage it, a story that is educational and theatrical at the same time, and its focus is particularly on a teenage audience, although it is aimed at all ages.

He points out that the work gives voice to those who have no voice in society, to the marginalized, such as autistic people.

She highlights that it is a beautiful work, which shows another side of the disorder, since it always talks about the difficulties that people with this condition have but not about the skills they can develop, such as their interests, their motivations and the routines they establish and help them lead a relatively normal life.

He says that in the work the main character (a boy with autism) has a special interest in galaxies and the world of space, so his family must be in tune with that interest.

The story is about the fact that the mother of Tonin, the boy with autism, has to leave town because his grandfather is sick and leaves the boy with his father, who has been absent during his growth, so for Tonin he is a stranger. The father wants to treat him as a child who does not have neurodivergence.

He highlights that it is a very visual staging, in which puppets, stage elements and projections are used on the spaces of the house in which the story takes place, such as the kitchen and the dining room, which are animations that were made with drawings by people with autism.

People with the disorder were involved in the production, with the advice of Ayuda, AC, and Cetedi Yucatán and its director Adriana Ruiz. Actor Omar Ceballos, who plays Tonin, also received advice.

“337 Km” is a play that is friendly to people with autism, which is why the volume of the music and other aspects to be taken into account for them are taken into account, and the Olimpo staff was trained by a psychologist to know what to do and what not to do in case of a situation with this audience.

Carlos Sarmiento points out that there is a lack of culture regarding this condition and that is why the work is intended to be seen especially by teenagers, to prevent bullying towards people with autism.— IRIS MARGARITA CEBALLOS ALVARADO

#Shows #face #autism
2024-09-11 10:54:31

which of these refer ⁢to ⁤aspects⁣ of ‌atypical speech and ​language‍ in autism?

Unveiling the ​Hidden Talents of Autism: A Story of Understanding and Acceptance

Autism, a neurological disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior,⁣ is often ⁢misunderstood‌ and misrepresented in society. The predominant narrative ‌surrounding⁢ autism focuses on the difficulties and challenges faced by individuals with the condition, overlooking their unique skills and abilities. However, a new production, “337 ​Km,” aims to change this ⁤narrative ⁣by showcasing⁣ the ​often-overlooked⁣ talents and strengths of people with autism.

Raising Awareness and Breaking Barriers

The production, which premieres on August ​26th at ⁢the Olimpo Cultural Center, is a heartfelt story that ⁣delves into the world of ⁣autism, highlighting the importance‍ of understanding and acceptance. ‌Carlos Sarmiento,⁢ the⁢ director⁢ of the production and ‌the Mitos Teatro⁣ group, was ⁣inspired ⁢to ​stage ⁣the play after​ reading the original work by Spanish author⁤ Manuel Benito. Sarmiento, who is also‌ a teacher, has had firsthand experience working with students with autism and understands the challenges they face.

Educating through Theater

“337 Km” ⁢is an educational⁤ and theatrical production that targets a teenage audience, although it is suitable for all ‍ages. The story revolves around Tonin, a ‍boy with autism, and his journey as he navigates the complexities of family‌ relationships and social interactions. The play tackles themes of understanding, acceptance, and empathy, encouraging the audience to⁣ look beyond ⁣the​ surface and appreciate the unique‍ skills⁣ and abilities of ​individuals with autism.

Showcasing Hidden Talents

The production‍ features a⁣ talented⁤ cast, including ​Omar Ceballos, who plays Tonin. What sets‍ this play apart is​ the involvement of people with autism in the production, with the‌ guidance of Ayuda, AC, ⁤and Cetedi ⁢Yucatán and its director Adriana⁣ Ruiz. The visual staging is impressive,‍ with puppets, stage elements, and projections‍ used to ​bring the ‌story to life. The animations were created with drawings made by people with autism, adding an personal touch⁢ to the production.

Breaking Down Stereotypes

By highlighting the skills and abilities of individuals with autism, “337 Km” breaks down stereotypes and⁤ challenges the common narrative surrounding ⁢autism. The play⁣ demonstrates ⁤that people with autism are not solely defined by their⁢ difficulties, but rather, they possess ​unique strengths‌ and ​talents that can be developed and appreciated.

World Autism ⁤Awareness Day

April 2nd is ‌World Autism Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and promoting acceptance ‌of autism. This production is ​a testament to the ‍importance of going beyond awareness⁣ and working towards appreciation and inclusion of individuals⁢ with autism.


“337 Km” is a powerful production‍ that‍ sheds light on the often-overlooked talents and abilities of people with⁣ autism. By sharing Tonin’s story, the​ play⁤ encourages empathy, ​understanding, and ⁤acceptance, promoting ⁣a ⁢more‌ inclusive ⁢and compassionate society. As we work ​towards a world​ that appreciates and ⁣values individuals⁢ with‍ autism, ​productions like “337 Km” play a vital role⁤ in⁣ breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes.


<a ⁣href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12272165LausheyKMHeflinLJEnhancingsocialskillsofkindergartenchildrenwithautismthroughthetrainingofmultiplepeersastutorsJournalofAutismandDevelopmentalDisorders_303183-193″>[1]


Autism social interaction

Beyond the Challenges: Showing the Skills and Strengths of People with Autism

Autism, a neurological disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior, is often misunderstood or misrepresented in media and society. Typically, the focus is on the difficulties and challenges faced by individuals with autism, rather than their strengths, skills, and abilities. However, a new play, “337 Km,” seeks to change this narrative by showcasing a different side of autism, one that highlights the unique skills and strengths of individuals with the condition.

A Story of Love, Acceptance, and Understanding

“337 Km” tells the story of Tonin, a boy with autism, and his journey with his father, who has been absent during his growth. When Tonin’s mother leaves town to care for her sick grandfather, Tonin is left with his father, who struggles to understand and connect with his son’s neurodivergence. The play explores the challenges they face, but also delves into the strengths and skills that Tonin possesses, such as his special interest in galaxies and space.

Breaking Down Barriers and Stigmas

The production of “337 Km” is a response to the lack of representation and understanding of autism in society. Carlos Sarmiento, the director of the production and of the Mitos Teatro group, highlights that the play aims to raise awareness about autism and the challenges faced by individuals with the condition. He emphasizes that the work gives voice to those who have no voice in society, to the marginalized, such as autistic people.

Involving People with Autism in the Production

What sets “337 Km” apart is the involvement of people with autism in the production. The play features puppets, stage elements, and projections that were created with the help of people with autism. Actor Omar Ceballos, who plays Tonin, also received advice from individuals with autism to ensure an authentic portrayal. The Olimpo staff was trained by a psychologist to understand how to support and accommodate audience members with autism.

Documentaries About Autism

“337 Km” is not the only effort to raise awareness about autism. There are several documentaries that explore the experiences of individuals with autism, such as “The Reason I Jump” [1[1], which highlights the stories of nonverbal individuals with autism. Other documentaries, such as “Life, Animated” and “Autism in Love,” offer a glimpse into the lives of people with autism and their experiences with love, relationships, and independence [2[2].


“337 Km” is a powerful play that showcases the strengths and abilities of individuals with autism, rather than their challenges. By involving people with autism in the production and highlighting their skills and strengths, the play breaks down barriers and stigmas surrounding autism. As we move forward, it is essential to continue raising awareness and understanding of autism, not just as a neurological disorder, but as a part of human diversity.


[1[1]Nonverbal autism gets spotlight in new documentary. Autism Speaks.

[2[2]10 Best Documentaries About Autism Spectrum Disorder. Applied Behavior Analysis Edu.

[3[3]Documentaries About Autism. Reading Rockets.



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