Exploring Quantum Entanglement and the Possibility of Instantaneous Transmission: From Harry Potter to Real-World Applications

2023-10-09 16:36:41
Artistic and literary works often cast a shadow of science fiction over their exciting plots, and the instantaneous transition from one point to another was at the forefront of these imaginative excursions. In the “Harry Potter” series of fantasy novels by the British writer Jay. K. Rowling’s story’s heroes had a special ability to hide and appear in another place instantly, and this process is usually accompanied by a clanking sound, and it is considered one of the means of transportation in the world of magicians, and according to the current laws, the use of this method is not considered legitimate unless licensed by the Ministry of Sorcery and Magic, as is the case. Such as driving cars and vehicles, and anything that could disrupt security and public order. Despite the mysterious mechanism in the fictional novel for this teleportation to occur, a number of physicists sought to translate this type of science fiction into reality through complex scientific methods. In 1993, the American physicist Charles Bennett published a research paper entitled “Instantaneous transmission of an unknown quantum state via dual classical channels,” following the annual conference of the American Physical Society that year, in which he demonstrated mathematically that the unfamiliar laws of quantum physics allow this type of instantaneous transmission. But only at the atomic level and below. Physical experiments were conducted successively around the world to achieve an elusive goal, and the first results appeared shortly after indicating the possibility of this happening. The Austrian team, led by physicist Anton Zeilinger, was the first to succeed in achieving successful instantaneous transmission at the level of the photon, which is an elementary particle concerned with the transmission of light rays. . What had actually happened was the transfer of quantum information from one photon to another, separated by a distance without any physical connections. This quantum transfer of information, or in other words the transfer of the quantum state from one photon to another, only occurs when there is what is known as quantum entanglement. . Quantum entanglement expresses a close relationship at the level of properties and attributes between two pairs of atomic particles, such as protons and electrons. Quantum entanglement arises through direct interactions according to the principles of quantum mechanics. This entanglement can also be conducted in the laboratory, and no matter how great the distance between the two entangled atomic bodies, the changes What occurs in the state and characteristics of the first particle is reflected in the other. Imaging quantum entanglement. In a surprising study announced by the Canadian University of Ottawa and the Italian Sapienza University and published in the journal Nature Photonics on August 14, researchers were able to develop a technology capable of capturing images of entangled pairs of photons. This technique allows them to observe the wave function of a quantum system, which provides detailed information about the quantum state of all the particles involved. The research team used “Digital Holography” technology, which is a commonly used technique that works on imaging three-dimensional objects through scattered light, and by combining photon waves entangled with reference waves, it becomes possible to decode the quantum state. The resulting image of the wave function of entangled photons resembled the famous Chinese symbol “yin and yang”, a scene that truly embodies the pattern of quantum entanglement between the photons in the study. Expected practical applications: With regard to practical applications, in 2017 a group of Chinese researchers developed a model that allows the transfer of quantum states between particles over vast distances that exceeded the 1,400 km barrier, and their experiments were conducted on the scale of outer space in the field of computer applications such as the quantum internet, as satellites were used. Artificial plants and other stations on Earth to conduct the experiment. They succeeded in transferring quantum information from a ground observatory to a satellite in low Earth orbit. This opened the door to the possibility of quantum communication in different parts of the world, and even at the planetary level, which is considered a typical and highly developed situation in the world of communication and the Internet. Recent years have witnessed frequent development in several fields to search for the possibility of adapting instantaneous transmission technology (Shutterstock). Later, scientists and researchers confirmed their ability to transfer information between photons on computer chips, even in the absence of material and physical connections between the photons. According to a recent study issued by the American University of Rochester and Purdue, the instantaneous transfer of data between electrons has also become possible, and this is a huge leap in the world of quantum computers, as the ability to communicate and the speed of data transfer and processing will far exceed the ability of traditional electrical circuits. Recent years have witnessed frequent development in several fields, such as the medical and military fields, in search of the possibility of adapting instantaneous transmission technology by providing faster and more efficient processors and sensors. Although seemingly instantaneous transfer between particles is possible, Due to the nature of the laws of quantum physics, scientists are unable to answer whether teleportation can occur on levels larger than atomic particles, such as humans. There are several obstacles to achieving this, and the matter is close to impossible, given the enormous number of atoms that make up a human being, which averages about 7 billion billion billion atoms in the normal human body. Analyzing and transmitting this large amount of information requires great energy that no computer can absorb. Another dilemma revolves around the consequences of teleportation, which is when a new genetic copy is created somewhere in the universe that contains all the memories, ideas, character, and moral and moral traits, then this requires destroying the original copy with all the atoms it contains, and this is an ethical issue that is disputed in scientific circles. This Only if a person can pass the first hurdle. It is worth noting that the Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 2022 was awarded to the French quantum physicist Alain Aspect, the American John Clauser, and the Austrian Anton Zeilinger in the context of their research and achievements regarding instantaneous transmission and quantum entanglement at the level of quantum mechanics, which promises a rich future.
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