Exploring ‘P’s Path to TIF: Secrets and Stories Revealed

<a href="https://www.archyde.com/austria-italy-greece-these-other-countries-which-have-decided-to-piss-off-the-unvaccinated-even-more/" title="Austria, Italy, Greece … these other countries which have decided to "piss off" the unvaccinated even more”>Kyriakos Mitsotakis went to TIF. All this time of our presence in Thessaloniki, this was the main topic of discussion: “Will the prime minister come or will he not dare after what happened in Thessaly?”. According to the political analysts, but also to the TIF people we met at the exhibition stands, “Kyriakos Mitsotakis made the right decision”.

For political and economic reasons. The first is immediately understandable based on the positive impressions created by his announcements, but also the targeted change in the agenda of the political debate.

Regarding the economic part of the Prime Minister’s decision, we simply quote the numbers that speak for themselves: There were 1,500 exhibitors from all regions of Greece, so the government’s presence was necessary for the promotion of products and the promotion of agencies and organizations , while the loss of revenue of 50 million euros which was the initial assessment for the “chasura” of the city due to hotel cancellations and movement in the (wealthy) market of the co-capital was mitigated to a significant extent.

What else do we keep from our presence at the TIF?

– The comment made by TIF-Helexpo president Tasos Tzikas, TIF-Helexpo president that “the most important, informal, political debate of the country takes place in Thessaloniki”. Even if this year had the well-known peculiarities due to the disasters in Thessaly, but also the SYRIZA elections.

– If we exclude the Minister of Development, Adonis Georgiadis, who took a walk in some (not all) TIF stands, no other minister did the same, apparently after the prime minister’s order.

– Every night at TIF there was a concert. And a concert of top artists of the level of Hatzigianni, Rocco, etc. In fact, all the concerts were dedicated to the flood victims of Thessaly and the fire victims of Evros.

– The organizers allocated 10% of the proceeds to the affected regions.

We returned to Patras with a complaint: Why don’t we also have a… Faculty?

JOINT: No Ministers

On the sidelines of the TIF we sought out top government ministers to fish for information related to projects in our region. One of them was the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Christos Staikouras, from whom we would definitely get answers about the status of the works both regarding the train and its undergrounding, as well as in relation to the Patras-Pyrgos highway.

However, the presence of Chr. The standoff at the TIF lasted as long as the Prime Minister’s speech at the “Vellideio”, as he moved like lightning in Thessaloniki, while the next day, at the press conference of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, he was not even “present” (as were the other ministers). We remind you, after all, of the government’s directive that there should be no ministerial presence at the TIF stands.


The air conditioning in “Vellideio” was very strong, as a result of which the journalists complained that they were cold. All of this somehow reached the ears of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who upon entering the press conference room made a move that caused many smiles. In particular, the prime minister distributed caps and gloves to the journalists, telling them meaningfully: “Did you see? The government has made provision and that’s why it’s thinking of you.” The press conference was originally scheduled to last two hours, but the Prime Minister, at the urging of government representative Pavlos Marinakis, received a few more questions. Both before and after the procedure, Kyriakos Mitsotakis was very comfortable and communicative with the press representatives.


Friday night and that we have arrived in Thessaloniki. A quick walk between Ladadiki and Aristotelous square, the president of PASOK-KINAL, Nikos Androulakis, who was speaking that day at the TIF, caned you. The last time we saw him was at the Delphi conference, but he had not forgotten everything he had said to “P”, which he repeated against the backdrop of the October 8 elections: “Patra, like Crete, have always been the castles of the democratic lineup. And in the upcoming self-governing elections, the democratic and progressive people of Patras must support this tradition.” The Movement’s state parliamentarian Dimitris Manzos was added to the group, who wanted to know more information about the candidacies of Kostas Karpetas, Spyros Skiadaresis and Vassilis Aivalis in the Region of Western Greece and the Municipality of Patreon respectively.


As we do in every mission, even now we could not avoid the comparisons between Thessaloniki and Patras. What impressed us? The large expressways, which unfortunately our city does not have, the high-level catering (quality, reception, price), the nightlife for all tastes (dominated by Antonis Remos and Nikos Economopoulos), the absence of strays in the center , his attitude of not “double parking” and cleanliness. Unfortunately, the many homeless people make a bad impression, while – to put it all – the bicycle path of Thessaloniki is much more dangerous than that of Patras. And one last thing: We used to have cafe-boats in our city that went on mini-cruises off the Port. In Thessaloniki we counted at least three such ships, which left and returned to the White Tower always full!

#mission #TIF #and.. #written

– What were the ​main economic impacts of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’s attendance at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Kyriakos Mitsotakis Attends Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF): A Boost ​for the Economy‌ and a Shift in ⁤the Political Agenda

The recent attendance⁤ of Greek Prime Minister ‍Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) has been hailed as a timely⁢ and prudent decision, both politically and economically. Despite initial doubts⁢ about his attendance following the devastating floods in Thessaly, Mitsotakis’s presence at the fair sent a strong message of‍ support for the⁣ region’s economy and a determination to revitalize the country’s economic growth.

Economic Benefits of TIF

The numbers speak for themselves. With 1,500 exhibitors from across Greece, the government’s presence was crucial for promoting local products and organizations, as well as‍ mitigating the potential loss ⁢of revenue estimated at 50 million euros due to hotel cancellations and reduced economic activity in Thessaloniki.

Takeaways from TIF

Beyond the economic benefits, our presence⁤ at TIF revealed several notable highlights:

Tasos Tzikas, President of ‍TIF-Helexpo, aptly described ‌the fair as the “most important, informal,⁢ political debate⁢ of the country,” emphasizing ‌the significance of ⁣Thessaloniki as a hub for political discourse.

Notably, no ministers, except for the Minister of Development, Adonis Georgiadis, walked through​ the exhibition stands, allegedly following the Prime Minister’s orders.

Every evening, TIF hosted⁣ concerts featuring top Greek artists, with proceeds dedicated to the flood victims of Thessaly and fire victims of Evros.

Organizers ‍allocated 10% of⁤ the proceeds to support the affected ⁢regions.

Joint Absence of Ministers

During our time at TIF, we⁤ sought to ​gather information on projects related to our region from top government ministers. However, our attempts to meet with the Minister of Infrastructure⁤ and Transport, Christos Staikouras, were unsuccessful, as he departed Thessaloniki shortly after⁣ the Prime Minister’s speech at ‌the “Vellideio” and did not attend the press conference.

Lighthearted Moments

Amidst the seriousness of the occasion, there were moments of levity. The strong air‌ conditioning in the “Vellideio” prompted journalists to complain about the cold, which eventually reached the Prime Minister’s ears. In ⁤response, Mitsotakis⁣ distributed caps and gloves to the journalists, jokingly remarking, “Did you ⁣see? The government has made provision and that’s why it’s thinking ​of you.”

Meeting‌ with Androulakis

On the sidelines of TIF, we encountered Nikos Androulakis, President ‍of PASOK-KINAL, who reiterated ‍his support for Patras and Crete as strongholds of the democratic ​lineup, urging citizens to uphold this tradition‌ in the upcoming self-governing elections.

Comparisons between Thessaloniki and Patras

As we often do, we couldn’t help but compare Thessaloniki to Patras. The former’s extensive expressways and high-level infrastructure stood out, highlighting the ⁣need for similar investments in our city.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis’s attendance at TIF sent ⁤a strong signal of support‍ for the economy and​ the people of Thessaloniki, while‍ also providing a platform ‍for political discourse​ and lighthearted moments.

Optimized Keywords:

Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)

⁣ Greece







​ Evros


Nikos Androulakis

Meta Description:

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis attends Thessaloniki International Fair, boosting economy and shifting political agenda. Read about the highlights and takeaways from TIF and its significance for Greece’s growth.

– What were the main reasons for Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ attendance at the Thessaloniki International Fair?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ attendance at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF):

Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ Bold Move: Attending the Thessaloniki International Fair Amidst Controversy

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently made a bold move by attending the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), despite the controversy surrounding his decision. The event, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, was a significant platform for the country’s economic and political leaders to converge and discuss key issues.

Why Did Kyriakos Mitsotakis Attend the TIF?

According to political analysts, Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ decision to attend the TIF was a strategic move to change the agenda of the political debate. The Prime Minister’s presence at the event was seen as a necessary step to promote Greek products and support local businesses. Moreover, his attendance helped to mitigate the loss of revenue of 50 million euros, which was initially estimated due to hotel cancellations and reduced economic activity in the region.

Economic Impacts of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ Attendance at the TIF

The Prime Minister’s attendance at the TIF had a significant impact on the local economy. With over 1,500 exhibitors from all regions of Greece, the event provided a platform for businesses to showcase their products and services. The government’s presence was essential for promoting these products and supporting local agencies and organizations.

Other Key Takeaways from the TIF

During our presence at the TIF, we noticed several interesting aspects that are worth highlighting. Firstly, the TIF-Helexpo president, Tasos Tzikas, remarked that the event is the “most important, informal, political debate of the country.” This year’s event was particularly significant, given the recent disasters in Thessaly and the SYRIZA elections.

Another notable aspect was the absence of government ministers at the TIF stands, except for the Minister of Development, Adonis Georgiadis, who took a walk



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