Exploring Pirates and Adventure: Jean-François Roberge’s Collisions Takes You on a Swashbuckling Journey to the Caribbean

2023-09-26 17:29:56

(Quebec) Jean-François Roberge revisits the world of pirates with great “rigor”. In his first book for adults, Collisionsthe Minister of the French Language places its story between a historical novel and swashbuckling adventures “which is reminiscent of The three Musketeers » by Alexandre Dumas, according to his publishing house.

Published at 1:29 p.m. Updated at 1:43 p.m.

Mr. Roberge, who is already the author of an essay (What if we reinvented school?) and two children’s novels (Francis lost in the meanders et Francis the Intrepid), will add a stone to his work this Tuesday by launching a novel for adults in an independent bookstore in Quebec. Prime Minister François Legault, a great reader, will be present for the occasion.

“There are deputies and ministers who cycle, others who read, who do crosswords, who listen to series, I write to relax,” said Mr. Roberge in the corridors of Parliament .

According to Pierre Tisseyre editions, Collisions is an “unclassifiable” story which is “in line with the great classics”. The publishing house cites among others the work of Alexandre Dumas, but also The Pardaillans by Michel Zévaco and Captain Fracasse by Théophile Gautier, to provide points of comparison.

Collisions will also be an opportunity for Mr. Roberge to present piracy “the true nature of which has been obscured for too long by Hollywood stereotypes”, it is said. The CAQ minister began writing his book in 2018, but he spoke about it in 2015 with The Press.

“A nice big brick, I think. It’s embryonic. Perhaps it will never be published… But it is a novel that takes place in the 18th century, in the Caribbean, with pirates, corsairs, buccaneers,” he explained at the time.

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According to a brief summary of the story, it is written that readers will eventually follow Rudy to the city of Cadiz in Spain, in 1718, who sees in the distance the sails of a galleon commanded by his father, the Senador. He then wonders “if his own life will be made up of these long journeys for the glory of Spain and the fortune of the nobles”.

“He is far from suspecting that his future awaits him under a pirate flag far away in the West Indies where a series of extraordinary events will make him a freedom-loving man standing up against the colonialist dictates of his team », summarizes the publishing house.

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