Exploring Lives: A Student Exhibition on Occupation and the Holocaust in Greece at the Kostis Palamas House of Letters

Exploring Lives: A Student Exhibition on Occupation and the Holocaust in Greece at the Kostis Palamas House of Letters

As part of the Building Bridges between Germany and Greece through Family Stories program (May-December 2024), the opening of the exhibition entitled “Biographies between Occupation and Holocaust in Greece. A student exhibition”.

The opening will take place on September 6 at 19.00. The House of Letters “Kostis Palamas” (Corinthou 241, Patras) will host the exhibition until October 31, 2024. (Visiting hours: Tuesday and Thursday 18:00 to 21:00 and Saturday morning 11:00 to 13:00 and schools after agreement).

The exhibition was created by students of the University of Patras in collaboration with the University of Hamburg, under the supervision of the scientific manager of the program, Alexandra Patrikiou, Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Sciences and Social Work of the University of Patras and the partner of the program, Centropa ( Hamburg, Germany). The students systematically worked on the testimonies of Greek Jews from the Centropa archive and testimonies of survivors of the Occupation from the “Memories from the Occupation in Greece” archive. The Greek and German students methodically selected the quotes and family photos and wrote the historical texts. The aim of this periodical exhibition is to be able to be used by the school community and that is why after the end of the program it will also exist in digital form.

The program “Building Bridges between Germany and Greece through Family Stories” is financed by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs from resources of the Hellenic-German Fund for the Future.

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Unveiling⁣ the Untold Stories: “Biographies between Occupation and Holocaust in⁢ Greece” Exhibition Opens ⁣in Patras

In the heart of ⁢Patras, Greece, a poignant ​exhibition ​is set to open on September 6, 2024, at the House of Letters “Kostis Palamas.” This thought-provoking ⁤exhibit, titled “Biographies between Occupation ‌and Holocaust in Greece,” is the ​culmination of the “Building Bridges between Germany and Greece through⁣ Family Stories” program, a collaborative⁣ effort between the University ​of Patras and the University of Hamburg,‍ running from May ‌to ​December 2024.

A Student-led Exhibition

The exhibition⁤ is the brainchild of students from the University of Patras, who worked in tandem with their peers from the⁤ University of Hamburg, under the guidance of Alexandra Patrikiou, Assistant Professor at the‍ Department of Education Sciences and Social Work of the University of Patras, and Centropa,⁢ a partner organization based in Hamburg, Germany. Through meticulous research​ and dedication, these ‍students delved‍ into the testimonies of Greek Jews from the​ Centropa archive and survivor accounts from the “Memories from the⁢ Occupation” collection.

A Journey Through Greece’s Turbulent Past

The ⁢exhibition takes visitors on ⁤a powerful journey through ‍Greece’s tumultuous history, focusing on the personal ⁣stories of those who lived through the Occupation and the Holocaust. By sharing ‍these ⁣biographies, the exhibition aims⁣ to raise awareness​ about the significance of preserving historical memory and promoting cross-cultural​ understanding.

Exhibition Details

The exhibition will be open to the public from September 6 to October 31, 2024,⁤ at the House of Letters “Kostis Palamas”⁣ (Corinthou 241, Patras). Visitors can explore the exhibit during the following ​hours:

Tuesday and Thursday:‌ 18:00 to​ 21:00

Saturday morning: 11:00 to 13:00

* School groups: by prior agreement

The Importance ‍of Intergenerational Dialogue

The “Building Bridges between Germany and Greece through Family Stories” program, of which this ‍exhibition is a part, seeks to foster​ intergenerational dialogue and understanding between⁢ Greek ‍and ⁢German ‌youth. By sharing family stories ⁣and personal histories, this initiative⁢ encourages young people ⁢to engage​ with their cultural heritage and appreciate the ⁣value of cultural exchange.

A Call to Remember and Learn

The⁣ “Biographies between Occupation and Holocaust ‌in Greece” exhibition ‌is a⁤ poignant reminder of the importance of preserving historical memory and promoting cross-cultural understanding. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is essential that⁤ we learn from the past and appreciate the significance of individual stories in shaping our collective history.

Mark your calendars for ​September 6, ⁤2024, ⁣and join the House of Letters “Kostis Palamas” in Patras, Greece,⁣ as we unveil the “Biographies between⁢ Occupation and Holocaust ‌in Greece” exhibition. Together,⁤ let us embark on a‌ journey of discovery, remembrance, and understanding.

Keywords: Building Bridges between Germany and Greece through Family Stories, University of Patras, University of Hamburg, Centropa, Holocaust, Occupation, Greece, Patras, Exhibition, Intergenerational Dialogue, Cultural Exchange, Historical Memory.



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