Exploring Life Abroad: The Price of ‘The North Face’ Jacket in the United States

2023-07-08 21:46:06

On Tiktok it is very common to find videos of compatriots who live abroad and who show what their life is like away from home. In this case, a young man who settled in the United States went to a clothing store to see how much one of the most expensive jackets sold in Argentina costs.

Dair is a young Argentine who currently resides in the state of Oregon and works as a babysitter for a family. On his social networks, he shows what his work is like, the places he visits and this time, he talked regarding how much a garment that is very expensive in our country costs on American soil.

“What is the price of the iconic jacket ‘The North Face’ in the United States?” He commented in a video that went up on his social networks. Under the user @dair_chain He said that he went to an outlet in his city where there was a 50% discount on all clothes.

“I saw that in Argentina they were at 775 dollars (380 thousand pesos),” added the young man while showing that they had jackets of different colors and that he had tried all the ones there were. The price of said garment was $320 without the discount.

Finally, he counted the cost of the coats if he applied the discount of the day. “With 50% off, it was $160,” said Dair. If we take that number to our change, it gives us 78 thousand pesos.

Tiktok: @dair_kette

The video exceeded 20,000 views and 18,000 ‘likes’. “I want to know where the outlet is”, wrote one user. “Everyone is with those jackets,” replied another Internet user. “The craziest thing is that you take out the logo and it’s an Once jacket,” said a user as a joke.

Read also: An Argentine moved to Italy and discovered a custom that is also repeated there: “Not to miss”

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