Exploring Lande Alzheimer’s: a Model Village for Dementia Care

2023-12-25 09:39:46

Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain and is the most common type of dementia. Its most prominent symptoms are poor memory, lack of concentration, and changes in behavior.

“Lande Alzheimer’s” is a village in southwestern France, and the reason for its name is that all of its 120 residents suffer from senile dementia.

A specialized health care team and some volunteers live with the village residents in the place that was established in 2020 under the sponsorship of the French government.

The costs of this village are covered by the government’s regional department, which paid the construction costs, in addition to contributions from the patients’ families.

The village leaders have devised ways to help residents overcome their illness, including allocating a store to sell baguettes for free. There is no need for residents to remember to carry money.

The supervisors also designated a restaurant where patients gather and places for picnics, and the village is subject to close monitoring due to the deterioration of the patients’ cognitive ability, but their families feel reassured as a result of the care their relatives receive.

The “Lande Alzheimer’s Village” provides its patients with a real life. Has it become a model that can be generalized to other countries?

#Landé #Alzheimers…a #village #residents #suffer #dementia

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