Exploring Human Transformation: Seminar by the Club of Rome and SGI UK


Club of Rome and SGI of the UK hold seminar on Human Revolution Club of Rome and SGI of the UK hold seminar on Human Revolution September 6, 2024

A seminar sponsored by the global think tank the Club of Rome and SGI UK (Soka Gakkai International) was held online on August 27th.

This was part of a joint project between the Club of Rome and Soka Gakkai that was recently launched. The club’s founder, Dr. Aurelio Peccei, and Ikeda discussed the meaning and practice of the “human revolution” that he called for in his dialogue collection, “A Warning to the 21st Century,” among other things.

SGI European Co-Chair Harapp gave a speech entitled “A Wake-up Call for the 21st Century,” while Club of Rome Secretary General Carlos Alvarez outlined “Learning Without Limits – The Sixth Report of the Club of Rome.” Following this, former Club Co-President Mamphela Ramphele spoke.

He reminisced about his experience working for the Black Consciousness Movement to protect the human rights and dignity of black people in South Africa under apartheid, and mentioned that it was the philosophy of the dignity of life that he returned to in order to free himself from social oppression. From this perspective, he said, humanity can stand on the consciousness that everyone supports each other and lives in a “web of relationships.” Furthermore, he said that what is needed in the current era is human solidarity based on the consciousness of the dignity of life, and human revolution, and expressed his hope that young people will create that vibration.
Afterwards, members of the SGI UK Youth Division gave presentations about their experiences.

A seminar hosted by the global think tank the Club of Rome and SGI UK (Soka Gakkai International) was held online on August 27th.

This was part of a collaborative project between the Club of Rome and Soka Gakkai that was recently launched. Club founder Dr. Aurelio Peccei and Ikeda discussed the significance and implementation of the “human revolution” that he called for in his dialogue collection “A Warning Bell for the 21st Century” and other publications.

SGI European Co-Chair Harapp gave a speech entitled “A Wake-up Call for the 21st Century,” while Club of Rome Secretary General Carlos Alvarez gave an overview of “Learning Without Limits: The Sixth Report of the Club of Rome.” Following this, former Club Co-President Mamphela Ramphele spoke.

He reminisced about his experience working for the Black Consciousness Movement, which protected the human rights and dignity of black people in South Africa under the apartheid government, and said that in order to free himself from the oppression of society, he turned to a philosophy of the dignity of life. From this perspective, he said, humanity can recognize that everyone supports each other and lives in a “web of relationships.” Furthermore, he said that what is needed now is human solidarity based on an awareness of the dignity of life, and a human revolution, and he hopes that young people will start that movement.
Afterwards, members of the SGI UK Youth Division gave presentations about their experiences.

Club​ of​ Rome and SGI UK:‍ Pioneering Dialogue on Human Revolution

On August​ 27, 2024, a groundbreaking seminar was conducted online, ‌jointly organized by the Club of Rome ​and SGI UK (Soka⁣ Gakkai International). ⁣This event marked ‍an essential collaborative initiative aimed at exploring the concept of “human revolution,” inspired​ by the philosophical teachings of Dr. Aurelio Peccei, the Club’s​ founder, and Daisaku⁣ Ikeda. The‌ discussions ⁤came from the backdrop of Dr. Peccei’s influential work, “A Warning to‌ the 21st Century,” emphasizing the dire need for a transformation in human consciousness to⁢ address the myriad challenges facing⁢ our society today.

Understanding Human​ Revolution

The term “human revolution”⁢ refers ⁤to a profound​ inner transformation that individuals undergo, aiming​ for personal‍ and collective growth. Dr. Peccei and ‍Ikeda’s dialogues highlight the importance of such transformations as a response to‍ pressing‍ global issues such as climate change, social inequality, and the rise of divisive politics. ⁤The ⁣seminar underscored the idea ‌that real change⁣ begins at the ‌individual ⁣level and⁢ spreads⁢ outward, affecting ⁤communities and⁤ the world at large.

Key Highlights‍ from the ‍Seminar

  1. A⁤ Wake-up Call for the‍ 21st Century

⁤ SGI European Co-Chair Harapp delivered⁣ an inspiring ​speech titled “A Wake-up Call for ⁢the 21st Century.” He emphasized the urgency of fostering⁤ a sense of global solidarity and responsibility among individuals to collectively solve contemporary crises.

  1. Learning Without ‌Limits: The⁢ Sixth Report of the Club of Rome

‍ Carlos Alvarez, Secretary‍ General of the Club of ⁣Rome, ⁣provided an insightful⁢ overview of their latest report, “Learning​ Without Limits.”​ His discussion‍ focused on the⁢ importance of​ education as a means to cultivate awareness and action for sustainable‌ development ‍and human ⁣dignity.

  1. Reflections from Mamphela Ramphele

⁢ Former Club Co-President Mamphela Ramphele shared powerful anecdotes ⁢from his time with the⁤ Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa. He articulated the theme⁤ of human dignity and​ the potential of community and solidarity to ⁣overcome ⁤oppression. His reflections served as​ an inspiring reminder of ⁣the capability ⁣of⁢ grassroots movements ​in effecting real ‍change.

  1. Youth Presentations

Members of⁣ the ​SGI UK ⁢Youth Division took the ​opportunity to share their personal experiences and insights, emphasizing their roles as catalysts for‍ change. Their presentations offered a glimpse into the⁢ transformative initiatives⁢ they are ⁣undertaking ‌to promote human ‌dignity and social justice in their communities.

The Importance of Human​ Solidarity

Mamphela Ramphele’s emphasis ‍on human ⁢solidarity resonated throughout the seminar. He argued that,‍ in this era of unprecedented challenges, the consciousness ⁣that binds⁣ humanity⁢ together is crucial. The importance‍ of recognizing our interconnectedness cannot be overstated—true‍ progress relies on ‍collective efforts​ fueled by compassion and understanding.


The seminar ⁣organized ⁣by the Club‌ of Rome and SGI UK on August 27, 2024, underscored‌ the ​pressing need for a human revolution. By nurturing individual transformations‍ and fostering community solidarity, we ⁤can address today’s intricate global⁣ challenges. As echoed in the ​discussions, young people play an essential⁢ role in this endeavor, ⁤igniting hope ⁣and‌ inspiration for a better world.

In closing,‌ it is imperative that we internalize‌ the lessons from this seminar and actively engage in ⁤our communities, creating a ripple effect of ​change ‍initiated by ​a profound inner transformation—the essence‍ of human revolution.

Call to Action

Join the conversation about human revolution! Share your ‍thoughts and experiences on social media⁤ with the ‍hashtag #HumanRevolution2024, ⁤and let’s inspire a wave ​of change together for⁢ a ⁣better ⁢future.

This ‌article provides an in-depth exploration⁤ of⁤ the recent seminar between the Club‌ of Rome and SGI UK, focusing on the topic ‍of⁤ human revolution. By incorporating keywords relevant to the subject—like “human revolution,” “Club of‍ Rome,” “SGI UK,” ⁤and “solidarity”—the piece⁣ is optimized for search engines, ensuring that it ‌reaches those‍ interested in these significant discussions.



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