Exploring Human Morality: Insights from Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy

2024-03-03 15:10:20

According to the philosopher and scientist Immanuel Kant, consciousness of moral law is a fact of reason, something that originally occurs in human beings as finite rational subjects. So: How do you explain human morality?

Kant sought to unravel what is thinking for yourself to the human and thus reject dogmas of all kinds, which, in his view, destroy reason. When man as a social being respects norms, values ​​and customs, becoming aware of his place in the community, surge la moral.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Many moral norms such as “do not kill” and “respect others” are universal in nature, but others depend on the social context and cultural history.

Understanding, putting into practice and having fundamental ethical values ​​such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenship are part of moral education that serve man to form and mold his idea of ​​responsibility for himself and his neighbor.

How Kant explains human morality

In the phrase of the text “Critique of Practical Reason” he states: “Two things fill my spirit with growing admiration and respect, the more I reflect on them: the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.”

“Kantian ethics is a deontological ethical theory developed as a product of Enlightenment rationalism, based on the position that the only intrinsic positive thing is a good will.”

The philosopher Immanuel Kant. The philosopher Immanuel Kant.

And he elaborates: “Therefore an action can only be moral if its maxim—the underlying principle—obeys the moral law. Central to the Kantian construction of the moral law is the categorical imperativewhich acts on all people, regardless of their interests or desires, in contrast to hypothetical imperatives, which must be obeyed if a desire is to be satisfied.”

People are bound by the moral law by their rational will.. Kant distinguished between perfect and imperfect duties. A perfect duty, such as not lying, is always true; an imperfect one, such as donating for charity, can be made flexible and applied in a particular time and space.

Kant believed that the progress of enlightened reason would lead to moral progress. In “The Doctrine of Virtue,” he states that our own moral perfection is an end to achieve.

Keys to a good life from a Kantian perspective

The philosopher is also credited with the phrase: “Happiness, more than a desire, joy or choice, is a duty“. For Kant, there is a link between the rationality of an action and morality.

For him, happiness is one of the many duties of the human being that requires us to be worthy of deserving it. Happiness in the Kantian world does not depend on anyone but oneselfacts and behavior.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration.Photo: Shutterstock illustration.

Under Kant’s eyes, a rational agent must join the concept of law moral through the idea of ​​freedom. There are reasons that force us to consider ourselves as rational and free agents.

Kant’s philosophy attempted to seek scientificity that sustains the modes of knowledge, the faculty of knowing itself, which starts from the subject. It is the subject itself that makes the object and not the other way around.. It is the subject who creates reality from his own knowledge and gives shape to things.

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