Exploring European Tornadoes: Frequency, Impact, and Comparison with the US’s Tornado Alley

2023-07-02 17:33:00

“In Europe, the ideal conditions for the formation of supercells (violent thunderstorms) and tornadoes are much less present than in the United States, for example”, explains to our colleagues from HLN Martijn Peters, scientific expert.

A mini-tornado does great damage to Braffe and Willaupuis

In Europe, the number of tornadoes forming is five times lower, there are about 250 tornadoes per year. “During the last decade, most tornadoes have occurred during the summer in a region located between France and Poland”, continues the expert. In Belgium, there are generally three to five tornadoes a year at the same time of year. “In autumn, tornadoes are mostly observed in southern Europe,” he continues.

“Of the approximately 4,000 that have occurred in the last decade, thirty of them had a wind speed equal to or greater than 250 kilometers per hour”. European tornadoes are much less powerful than those experienced in the United States, for example.

#forest #ravaged #tornado #Bouillon #Images #rare #meteorological #phenomenon #Belgium

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