2023-09-16 18:58:00
In a week from now, a surface sample of asteroid Bennu will arrive on Earth aboard a NASA probe. Following Japan, which previously brought samples of asteroid Ryugu, the U.S. is also expanding its asteroid exploration in earnest, and reporter Choi Ra tells us why.[기자]
The Osiris-Rex probe, launched in 2016, flew a whopping 3.2 billion kilometers over four years and approached the super asteroid Bennu, which is only regarding 500 meters in diameter. It succeeded in collecting samples by extending its robotic arm, and then flew another 2.3 billion kilometers to Earth. Osiris-Rex will drop samples to the ground from 100,000 km above the Earth on the 24th. After completing its mission, instead of returning to Earth, it will be re-entered into another asteroid exploration. Six years later, it will be closer to Earth than a satellite. This is an exploration of the asteroid Apophis, which is getting closer. This time, we will not collect soil samples, but we will carry out a mission to remotely check the composition of the surface. The reason the United States is focusing on asteroid exploration is because the secret that led to the emergence of life on Earth is on the asteroid. Because I believe it exists.[단테 로레타 / 미 NASA 오시리스-렉스 수석연구원 : 태양계가 만들어질 당시 탄소가 가득한 소행성으로부터 지구 생명체의 근원 물질이 왔다고 생각하고 있습니다.]Previously, 20,000 types of water and organic matter were discovered in samples from the asteroid Ryugu collected by Japan’s Hayabusa probe. Among them, regarding 20 types of amino acids that make up the skeleton of life were included, supporting the idea that asteroids are the source of life. Another aspect of asteroid exploration The goal is space resources! It is estimated that some asteroids have reserves of rare earth elements and minerals that are 10 times the total reserves of Earth. The United States will also send a probe to the asteroid Psyche next month, which is expected to be full of gold, iron, and nickel.[데이비드 오 / 미 NASA JPL 연구원 : 프시케가 생성될 당시 금속 핵이 가장 먼저 생겼는데, 다른 천체와 충돌하면서 핵만 남아 광물이 노출됐습니다.]In Korea, a project was proposed to remodel the Nuri to explore the asteroid Apophis, but it was canceled as it was excluded from the preliminary feasibility study last year. This is Choi So-ra of YTN Science.※ ‘Your report becomes news.’
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