Exploring Ancient Chinese Dragon Culture: 6 Intriguing Artifacts and Their Stories

2024-02-10 11:27:14

in ancient Chinese culture “dragon” is a symbol of awe strength and supernatural powers It represents the desire for rain to fall according to the season. as well as peace and prosperity Thousands of years ago, the belief in “dragons” appeared in every dimension of Chinese society, accumulated, shaped, and created continuously for a long time. Until it became a deep and unique culture.

When we walk into a museum in China There is always a chance of seeing ancient objects that have dragon elements. This is evidence that the bloodline of the Chinese ancestors has been passed on uninterruptedly to generations following generations. Xinhua News Agency invites readers to get to know 6 ancient objects influenced by the belief in dragons in Chinese culture.

1. Indigo Dragon-shaped Utensils from a Class Grave

Tall ancient artifact in the shape of a dragon It is made up of more than 2,000 pieces of turquoise or colored gemstones, which from their size are considered rare relics from the early days of the dragon-shaped object-making culture. The utensils were unearthed in 2002 from an aristocratic grave at the Erlitou archaeological site. in Luoyang City Henan Province, central China

The report states that The bright greenish-blue relic has a total length of more than 70 centimeters and is currently housed at the Chinese Archaeological Museum in Beijing. capital of the country Chinese archaeologists have dubbed this artifact It is known as the “Dragon of China” because it has great historical, artistic and scientific value.

2. Bronze dragon sitting with feet touching the clouds

This bronze dragon is on display at the Heilongjiang Provincial Museum. The highlight is being in a sitting position. The head is slightly raised. His mouth opened as if he was making a roar. The neck extends slightly forward. The left front leg is raised. Claws touch the clouds Revealing an elegant attitude and appearance.

This seated bronze dragon was one of the items used by emperors in the early and middle Jin Dynasty. It originates from the Niuzhen tribe in northern China and was influenced by the aristocratic culture of the central plains of China. The dragon was considered a symbol of royal power and was favored by the emperors of the Jin Dynasty.

Taking a closer look at the dragon’s appearance. Creating a dragon must draw on the strengths of various animals, such as birds, aquatic animals, and reptiles. It also combines and fuses cultures from many ethnic groups together. It reflects the integration and diversity in the streams of Chinese civilization.

3. Golden Dragon Yatra

Bronze dragon from the Tang Dynasty The body is made of bronze. But inside there is an iron core covered with copper. The outer surface is gold plated all over. The body of these dragons is curved. head held high It has horns curved back attached to the head.

The group of six small golden dragons was unearthed in Hejiacun Village in Xi’an City, northwestern Shaanxi Province. It is currently on display at the Shaanxi Provincial History Museum. By being called “Golden Dragon Yatra” The highlight of these dragons is that they are small, exquisite and have a simple carving style. This is different from normal dragons that are often designed to be powerful and formidable.

From the perspective of the Tang period Chinese The dragon is an auspicious animal that can soar in the sky. The work of these moving dragons Thus eliminating the image of the flying dragon in people’s minds. Note that each golden dragon has four long, slender legs that are in a running position. The head is raised and looking forward. while some were in a stopped position. It reflects the courageous spirit of the Chinese people. Experts have analyzed that the dragon in this pose may have been used in a ceremony to pray for seasonal rain and peace in society.

Incidentally, dragons in Chinese culture can soar through the sky, swim through the water, and run on the ground. This is consistent with the Chinese identity and values ​​of determination and positivity.

4. Flying dragon pattern rod

Dragons in Chinese culture can be found in legends and folk festivals. Appearance and patterns on various objects One of them is a thousand-year-old dragon-pattern glass at the Xi’an City Museum in Shaanxi Province, which features a dragon flying in midair and surrounded by clouds. Gives a fresh and lively feeling

5. Painting of a dragon spouting water

Below is a scroll of ink-written paintings on silk. It is the image of a dragon spouting water that is hidden in the middle of a sea of ​​clouds. It is currently on display at the National Museum of China in Beijing.

6. Buddhist art of a monk riding a dragon

A painting of a monk riding a dragon is one of the murals found in Mogao Rock Carving Cave No. 257 in Dunhuang. Gansu Province in the western part of the country Origin of Buddhist art: Dunhuang Cave In the picture there are 500 huge dragons flying in the sky. Above, a dragon carries a monk with a cloak above his head.

The dragon culture of the Chinese nation is completely self-contained and unique. It flourished without belonging to any one sect. It represents the independent spirit of the Chinese people. The Chinese people’s reverence for the dragon has created unity among the people. Today, the dragon is not a representation of the god who controls the wind and rain. or the emperor’s symbol in the feudal society anymore Many Chinese people have given new meaning and meaning to the dragon, which aims to express the Chinese people’s desire for national rejuvenation.

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