Explore Kids’ Minds by Asking These 7 Questions – Life & Style

forThe best source of information is the parents, who are always putting something in their mind, but sometimes it is also important to know what is going on in the child’s mind, where his thoughts are going. on

For this, parents should spare some time for their children. Try to find out what is going on in their little world by talking to them.

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Parenting coach and NLP trainer Ranavi has written on her Instagram some questions that children should ask.

1- In which place do you feel happiest?

2- If you were asked to change one thing about your school, what would it be?

3-What is the best memory you have with your family?

4-Who do your parents love the most?

5-What do you like most about your friend?

6-Describe yourself in three words?

7- If you were asked to ask for one wish, what would you ask for?

In addition to these basic questions, you can also ask the child some additional questions, such as what is he afraid of, or what does he think about the most, or what is he most interested in learning?

To read children’s minds and know their hearts, it is important to ask them light questions. It is better to try to find out the answers to these questions while playing with the children. And a small sample should be taken.