Exploratory talks between ÖVP and FPÖ in Vorarlberg

As he announced in writing on Wednesday afternoon, he had invited the FPÖ to an “in-depth discussion”. This is scheduled for Thursday. If the two parties find each other in this conversation, concrete government negotiations will probably begin on Monday. This will probably end the ten-year-long ÖVP-Green coalition.

“Clear result”

“The election produced a clear result: We as the Vorarlberg People’s Party have received a clear government mandate,” said Wallner. The ÖVP negotiating team consists of him, state governor Barbara Schöbi-Fink, club chairman Roland Breakfast and state manager Dietmar Wetz. It was said that “fundamental questions” would be addressed in the in-depth discussion. Finally, Wallner also thanked the other party leaders “for the good discussions.” Wallner had one-and-a-half-hour conversations with all party leaders on Tuesday.

Video-Analyse after the election in Vorarlberg

In terms of content, there shouldn’t be any major hurdles to overcome between the People’s Party and the FPÖ. There are major overlaps in the areas of security, integration, economy and infrastructure. A tougher point of negotiation could be the division of the seven seats in the state government. If you take the number of votes from the state elections as a basis, the FPÖ would mathematically be entitled to three seats in the state government. However, there is speculation that the ÖVP could offer the state governor to the Freedom Party. In return, the FPÖ should forego a third state council. Such questions would probably be “clarified in the last few minutes,” Bitschi said on Tuesday.

“Opposition, we can do that too”

After Wallner’s statements in the run-up to the state elections on October 13th and on the evening of the election itself, it was generally expected that Wallner would prefer the Freedom Party to the Greens when forming a government. The Greens, for their part, had not given up hope of continuing government work until the end. The state governor has decided to leave the reliable black-green Vorarlberg path, they now stated in a broadcast. For the party, this means that it must now put its full effort into opposition work. “Opposition, we can do that too,” emphasized Daniel Zadra and Eva Hammerer as party leaders of the Greens. We will be a very loud voice for nature and climate protection and will fight to ensure that Vorarlberg does not completely deviate from the path it has successfully taken.



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