Explanation of Lawyers about the Causes of Divorce of Indra Bekti & Aldila Jelita

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Monday, 27 Feb 2023 20:00 WIB

Sued for divorce by Aldila Jelita, Indra Bekti was emotional until he hit the door / Photo: Instagram/@dhila_bekti

Jakarta, Insertlive

A sudden storm of divorce rocked the household of Indra Bekti and Aldila Jelita.

Aldila filed a lawsuit against Bekti at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday (27/2).

This was revealed through a statement by Milano Lubis as Indra Bekti’s attorney.

Milano also explained that the cause of Bekti and Aldila’s divorce was due to a long-standing problem.

In addition, Milano said that this divorce had become an agreement with Bekti and Aldila.

“Actually, the problem has been going on for a long time, but it has nothing to do with Bekti being sick, so it really has nothing to do with this separation because Bekti is sick, there is no one,” said Milano Lubis in a broadcast on YouTube quoted on Monday (27/2).

“This separation is purely because of the wishes of the two of them, and the separation is also on good terms,” ​​he continued.

Previously, Aldila had talked about Bekti’s uncontrollable emotions after returning from the hospital.

In fact, the problem culminated when Bekti unknowingly scolded her children over cell phones.

“Anyway, that week I felt that his emotions were running high, and one day he asked the cellphone until he got angry, he asked the children.’Where is my handphone? (Where’s my cell phone?)’, then the kids said the cell phone was charging,” said Aldila.

“Then he got even more angry at the kids and said ‘You wanna fight me? (You want to fight with me?)’, wow I got irritated there, I said ‘why do you have to be angry at the children?’, he hit the floor, he was sitting downstairs while eating,” he continued .

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Aldila then tried to bring her children to the room to avoid Bekti’s uncontrollable anger.

Who would have thought that Bekti would get even more emotional to the point of hitting the door hard and shocking Aldila.

“I told him to calm down, I took the children to the room, he might be upset because I left him and took the children to the room, because I want to calm the crying children,” said Aldila.

“Suddenly he hit the door hard, ‘duar! duar!’, I said ‘Darling, you are patient, you don’t have to do it this way’, then he got even more angry, in the end we were alone first so he would be calmer,” he continued.

Bekti herself admits that she doesn’t remember the moment when she got emotional and scolded the children and banged on the door.

However, Bekti felt sad when she learned about her behavior from the story of her beloved wife.

“There is that memory, it’s a little late, but I don’t remember it in detail, so it’s sad to know that I had that emotion, to the children too,” concluded Bekti.


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