Experts teach Diploma in sports medicine

On February 5, the ‘University Diploma in Fundamentals of Sports Medicine’ will begin, where important speakers with vast knowledge and experience will participate, which they will be sharing with those who sign up for this interesting diploma course that will be offered virtually.

Alba Leonor Pineros Suarez She is a dietitian nutritionist graduated from the Javeriana University, a specialist in university education, a sports nutritionist for more than 15 years, she is currently the director of the nutrition and dietetics program at the Escuela Nacional del Deporte university institution in Cali, Colombia, as well as being a member of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists ACODIN Suroccidental.

Alma Liliana Lopez Marmolejo She is a physician-surgeon from the Free University of Colombia, Cali Section. Medical specialty in sports medicine-Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba. Diploma in university teaching- Free University of Colombia, Cali Section. Diploma in New Information and Communication Technologies. NTIC’s Applied to Virtual University Teaching – Free University of Colombia, Cali Selection.

Maria Nancy Rubio Silva She is a physiotherapist graduated from the Universidad del Valle, specialist and master in comprehensive intervention in the athlete-Autonomous University of Manizales, teacher and researcher-university institution Escuela Nacional del Deporte, as well as speaker at national and international level.

Diego Fernando Jiron Paredes He is a specialist in sports medicine. Master’s degree in Physical Activity and Health Sciences-Real Madrid University School, Spain. Specialist in clinical exercise physiology, training and ergogenic aids. Specialist in exercise prescription in chronic patients. Private doctor of clubs and sports disciplines, as well as national and international speaker in health, education, physical activity and sport.

Ruben Dario Rubiano Loaiza He is a psychologist with experience in psychological counseling in sports training and sports performance. He was part of the champion delegation in conventional and paralympic population 2019. Bolivarian Games Delegation 2005, Central American Games 2006 and accompanied the Colombian delegation sports dance World Games (gold medal). Lima 2019 Parapan American Games, Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, among other participations with national teams.

Yecid Mina Paz He is a physiotherapist, master in physical activity, doctor in biomedical sciences, coordinator of the MEDES-Escuela Nacional del Deporte research hotbed. Teacher and researcher of the Research Group Studies Applied to Sport-National School of Sport. Researcher of the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis Laboratory Research Group-Universidad del Valle.

The Municipal Government of Celaya through the Physical Culture and Sports System (SIDEC), in conjunction with the Government of the State of Guanajuato through the Sports Commission (CODE); as well as the Mexican Federation of Associations in Education and Physical Culture (FEEDCUFI); SINERGIA (Art, Sport and Culture); With the endorsement of the University of Granma in Cuba (UDG), they organize this course.

The ‘University Diploma in Fundamentals of Sports Medicine’, will be from February 5 and will end on August 22 virtually, aimed at doctors, psychologists, nurses, physical education graduates, sports professionals, coaches and physiotherapists.

For more information regarding the ‘University Diploma in Fundamentals of Sports Medicine’, you can go to the SIDEC offices, located inside the Deportiva Miguel Alemán Valdés or call 461 295 45 02.



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