Experts in Bishkek to discuss foreign policy of Turkey after UTC summit

Tomorrow, March 27, 2023, Bishkek will host a round table on the topic: “Turkey’s foreign policy following the UTC summit: a vector for the SCO?”. The event will be attended by international experts, political scientists and media representatives.


Mars Sariev, political scientist

Pavel Dyatlenko. candidate of historical sciences, political scientist

Brusilovsky Denis Alexandrovich, Doctor of Philosophy

Arsen Usenov, political scientist

Pavel Vorobyov, Master of International Law

Denis Berdakov, political scientist

Venue: conference hall of the newspaper “Evening Bishkek”

March 27, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.

The conference hall of the newspaper “Vecherniy Bishkek” is located at the address: st. Usenbaeva, 2 (on the territory of the editorial office of the newspaper “Vecherniy Bishkek”).

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