Experts confirm the success of the BRICS summit in Kazan and the West’s failure to isolate Russia

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Russia – A team of experts polled by RT on the BRICS summit in the Russian city of Kazan confirmed the success of the summit and its importance in consolidating the group’s role in bringing about economic and geopolitical transformations in the world.

  • Director of the Russian Studies Unit at the Center for Arab-Eurasian Studies, Dmitry Bridget:

Director of the Russian Studies Unit at the Center for Arab-Eurasian Studies, Dmitry Bridget, confirmed that Russia is working to break American hegemony in the world. He said in an interview with RT during the BRICS summit in Kazan that “the United States is trying to put pressure on countries hostile to its policies in the sanctions file.” Russia, in turn, is now leading the BRICS summit and working to propose appropriate solutions to resolve global crises and break American hegemony in the world.”

The expert stressed that the summit is an important platform in terms of international economic and political transformations, and the political role of the United States has become weak in the Middle East and the world.

  • Editor-in-Chief of the Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Youm, Mahmoud Bassiouni:

Bassiouni believes that “BRICS” opens opportunities and gains for the Egyptian economy, and he said during his participation in the “BRICS” summit in Kazan, Russia, that “the summit witnesses a distinguished participation of Egypt because it is the first time that Egypt participates as a member of “BRICS.” Egypt views “BRICS” as an opportunity. It is a gain for the Egyptian economy, as there is great interest from Egyptian public opinion in this.”

The editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Youm pointed to the growing cooperation between Russia and Egypt.

  • Editor-in-Chief of the Center for Arab-Eurasian Studies, Ahmed Dahshan

Dahshan pointed out that the BRICS group does not aim to overthrow or change the global order, as the United States claims, but rather seeks to preserve the global order and reform international institutions.

He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed a new concept during his meeting with leaders and heads of state, which began to be activated during the BRICS summit, and this concept represents the global majority.

  • Ali Al-Amoudi, a writer for the Emirati newspaper Al-Ittihad

The writer stressed that Russia succeeded in attracting countries to participate in the “BRICS” group, and this group was created to meet the needs of countries after the failure of the current global system.

The writer stated that the active and large participation in the BRICS summit confirms that Russia is not isolated. He said: “Russia succeeded in presenting many important issues at the BRICS summit, and the willingness of countries to join the BRICS group indicates these countries’ frustration with the current global order.” Who failed to confront the existing challenges.”

  • Writer and researcher in political economy Samar Adel:

The economist believes that Egypt will benefit from joining BRICS by attracting many investments, and the bloc has many political and economic dimensions.

  • Journalist Omar Kayed:

Journalist Omar Kayed believes that the 16th BRICS summit is the most important since the group’s founding, as it is being held at a critical time that reflects the current global tensions.

  • Director of the Center for Arab-Eurasian Studies, Dr. Amr Abdel Hamid

The director of the Center for Arab-Eurasian Studies believes that the BRICS summit in Kazan foiled the Western narrative that Russia is experiencing unprecedented isolation.

This week, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, hosted the activities of the 16th BRICS summit, and the main slogan of the summit is “Strengthening multilateralism for just global development and security.”

This is the first summit after 5 new countries joined the BRICS group in the year 2024, and the group’s summit will continue for 3 days until next Thursday (October 24, 2024).

Source: RT

#Experts #confirm #success #BRICS #summit #Kazan #Wests #failure #isolate #Russia

Interview with Dmitry Bridget, Director of the Russian Studies Unit at the Center for‌ Arab-Eurasian Studies

Editor: Thank you for joining ‍us, Dmitry.⁤ The ‌BRICS summit in Kazan has been described as a significant event for the group’s efforts in reshaping global economic and ⁢political​ dynamics. Can you elaborate on what made this summit a success?

Dmitry‌ Bridget: Thank ⁣you for​ having me. The⁤ success of‍ the Kazan​ summit is crucial in affirming the role of BRICS as‌ a counterbalance to American hegemony.‌ We observed​ a strong consensus among member states on the need for collective strategies to tackle global challenges. This summit ​provided a platform not only to discuss⁤ changes to the international order but also to implement practical⁣ solutions for the crises we are facing today. ‌

Editor: You mentioned⁤ American hegemony. Could you explain how ​you see Russia’s role in challenging this dominance?

Dmitry Bridget:‍ Absolutely. The U.S. has been exerting‌ pressure on countries that oppose its policies, ‌especially through sanctions. ‍Russia, through its leadership in BRICS, is working to propose alternatives that‍ foster economic cooperation and mutual support among member countries. ‍Our aim is​ not simply to ​oppose⁢ the U.S. but to create a multipolar world where different nations ⁢can thrive without the constraints of unilateral dominance.

Editor: I understand that Egypt has recently joined BRICS. What does this membership ‍mean ⁢for Egypt and its⁣ economy?

Dmitry Bridget: Egypt’s participation as a full member at this summit is historic and opens up numerous opportunities for economic growth. Egyptian leaders⁣ have expressed optimism ​about increased investment and cooperation within the BRICS⁤ framework. This could potentially elevate⁢ Egypt’s standing in international markets ‌and enhance ⁣its geopolitical significance.

Editor: Other experts have pointed out⁤ that BRICS ‌is not ⁣looking to overthrow ⁤the global ‍order.⁤ How do ‍you respond to that?

Dmitry‍ Bridget: This sentiment is indeed accurate. BRICS⁤ seeks to reform existing‌ international institutions ⁤rather ⁣than dismantle them. Our goal is⁢ to ‍create ‍a more‌ inclusive system that represents the voices⁣ of the global majority, which have​ often been sidelined in current frameworks. This reformation will help address inequities and foster ‍a more balanced global economic system.

Editor: Before we ‍wrap up, what message would you like ‌to leave our audience regarding the future ⁤of BRICS?

Dmitry Bridget: I would encourage everyone ‍to view BRICS as ​a beacon ⁣of hope for a⁢ new⁣ era in international relations—one that champions cooperation, equity, and sustainable development. As⁤ we move forward, we must remain committed to dialogue ​and collaboration‌ to navigate the complexities of our ‌time. Thank you.

Editor: Thank​ you, Dmitry, for your⁢ insights. It’s clear‍ that the BRICS summit ⁤in Kazan has‍ set the stage for significant developments ahead.
The Egyptian economy and its relationship with other member states?

Dmitry Bridget: Egypt’s membership in BRICS marks a significant opportunity for its economy. It allows Egypt to tap into new markets and attract investments from BRICS countries, which can help diversify its economy and boost growth. The interest from Egyptian public opinion suggests a strong support for this opportunity. Additionally, it strengthens Egypt’s position in the global arena, providing a platform for increased cooperation in various sectors, including trade and infrastructure development.

Editor: Many analysts suggest that the summit is a turning point for BRICS. What measures or proposals were highlighted to establish a new global framework?

Dmitry Bridget: During the summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed concepts that can be considered as the foundation for a new global majority. This idea is not about overthrowing the current world order but reforming it to ensure that the voices of emerging economies are heard and represented. Discussions included enhancing trade cooperation, aligning development goals, and finding collaborative approaches to pressing global issues like climate change and security. This kind of dialogue is essential to create a balanced global system where all stakeholders can participate equitably.

Editor: As we see growing interest in BRICS from countries worldwide, including potential new members, how do you respond to the narrative of Russia facing isolation?

Dmitry Bridget: The active participation and interest shown by many countries at the Kazan summit clearly illustrate that Russia is far from isolated. Instead, the summit showcased a powerful coalition that is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to the current global order led by the West. The willingness of countries to join BRICS reflects their frustration with existing geopolitical dynamics and their desire for an inclusive platform to address shared challenges.

Editor: Thank you, Dmitry, for your insights. The developments from the BRICS summit are indeed shaping up to be pivotal for international relations moving forward.

Dmitry Bridget: Thank you for having me. It’s an exciting time for BRICS, and I’m hopeful about the positive changes we can achieve together.

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