Expertise process of electoral material submitted to the TSJ

The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela has begun the technical examination of all electoral material collected as part of the dispute brought by President Nicolás Maduro before that body.

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This expert report is currently being carried out by a group of electoral experts with the highest national and international technical and scientific standards, experts in statistics, computer science, and members of the Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America (CEELA).

The president of the TSJ, Caryslia Rodríguez, reported that the process involves the material that is available to this judicial body, and that was previously submitted by the National Electoral Council (CNE), the political organizations and the participating former candidates.

“Once this expert appraisal process has been completed within the time previously established by this electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, with these objective facts verified and certified, a final judgment will be issued on this electoral contentious appeal,” added Rodriguez.

He also ratified the commitment and will to the Venezuelan people to deliver justice, for which “Nothing will stop us in our sacred mission.”

Appeal for protection before the TSJ

Maduro requested an injunction from the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in order to clarify and stop the attacks that the country is suffering.

In a subsequent assessment of the process, once the interview phase and the collection of electoral documents had concluded, Rodríguez reported that only opposition candidate Edmundo González was absent from the hearings, and he also failed to present any of the requested materials.

The TSJ investigation also includes an evaluation of the information requested from the CNE regarding the cyber attacks on that body that prevented the timely transmission of the election results, which gave Maduro the victory with 51.95 percent of the votes.

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2024-08-17 11:04:17



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