Expert on the impact of AI: technology in education will create new concepts of the student and the educator | Business

AI will change learning habits, but will everyone be able to use it?

G. Buivydas emphasizes that when it comes to the impact of AI on learning, it is important to distinguish between two things – what AI can do and how people will be able to use it.

“The technology itself is developing at an extremely fast pace, but its adoption is another issue that is currently receiving too little attention. AI can help pupils and students grasp material faster, gain a deeper understanding of various topics, and even give them more creative freedom. However, for this it is necessary to be able to ask the right questions”, shares the expert.

Personal archive photo/Gediminas Buivydas

Personal archive photo/Gediminas Buivydas

AI can also help personalize the learning process, allowing learners to reach their goals faster and learn more in less time.

“We can see the learning of pupils and students as a certain set of processes, and artificial intelligence will help organize those processes. Learners will accept artificial intelligence in different ways – some will use it simply to do homework, to solve tasks, without absorbing the information themselves – it will be a certain equivalent of copying, which is well known to our parents and grandparents. Others will use AI as an additional source of information, maintaining critical thinking and finally accepting their opinion”, says G. Buivydas.

Will go beyond the traditional boundaries of learning

According to Gedimin Buivydas, the essence of technology is to do more with the same resources or achieve the same results with less effort. Based on this principle, super student may be the one who reaches the generally accepted level of education faster, or the one who acquires significantly more knowledge and skills in the same time.

Technology makes it possible to go beyond the traditional boundaries of learning – students can interact with AI programs anywhere and anytime, get answers to all the questions that arise, understand the material more deeply, and use personalized insights. In general, pupils and students can learn much more effectively by using AI programs correctly,” he notes.

However, the expert points out that not all students will become super students – everything will depend on their motivation and ability to use technology.

“Those who don’t understand how to work with AI tools correctly will remain in a similar position as they were before.” “AI will not provide wisdom by itself – it is up to a person to decide how to use the information received,” he emphasizes.

DI can provide educators super powers

AI will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the work of teachers and lecturers. According to G. Buivydas, in some cases this technology will replace the functions of a teacher or lecturer, but in most cases AI will provide teachers super powers – will allow them to teach faster, more efficiently and more interestingly.

“It’s not about AI replacing teachers and professors, but about AI helping them save time on repetitive, technical tasks and focus on what really matters: instructional design, critical thinking, and discussion moderation,” – says the specialist.

Super educator G. Buivydas defines the concept as a teacher or lecturer who is able to effectively use AI technologies in his work, thus saving time and resources.

“DI can help prepare lessons and lectures, create slides, structure teaching materials, administer tests, and analyze student and student progress. By automating some of the usual daily tasks with the help of AI, the teacher would be able to focus his attention on the effective use of his expert knowledge. The work of an educator is not easy, therefore, in the teaching process, AI can play the role of a helper, a liberator – to help focus on things that create the greatest value”, explains G. Buivydas.

Future education – technology and human partnership

G. Buivydas believes that AI will transform the education system, but this transformation will not happen overnight.

Technology can help students and teachers, but its successful integration into education requires a long-term strategy and sufficient resources. The most important thing is for both teachers and students to understand how to use AI tools properly – it’s a matter of competencies,” he emphasizes.

Understanding the importance of using artificial intelligence tools in the learning process, the Samsung technology company gathered more than 900 schoolchildren from three Baltic countries in the social responsibility project “Solve for Tomorrow” this year.

For the fourth year in a row, the project will see teams of students look for technological solutions to help them become better students by purposefully using AI tools instead of abusing them.

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