2023-10-22 19:10:42
The new Minister of Justice was presented to the press on Sunday evening at the headquarters of the Flemish Liberals. Emphasis was placed on his expertise, not only as former boss of OCAM (Coordinating Body for Threat Analysis) but also as a former anti-drug magistrate in Antwerp. “The position of Minister of Justice is very important, especially at this time with the growing terrorist threat in our country, the conflict in the Middle East and the war on drugs“, defended President Tom Ongena following internal criticism within his party.
People expect answers and solutions from us
Former President Gwendolyn Rutten announced that she was leaving national politics following this appointment, citing a “disrespectful treatment” towards him from the leadership of the liberal party. Tom Ongena says he understands his disappointment and regrets his departure. “But at a time when our country is facing terror and growing security risks, I chose someone who can start working from day one“, he justified. Paul Van Tigchelt himself spoke of last Monday’s attack, “which hit us right in the heart. People expect answers and solutions from us.“
I will take my responsibilities
The new Minister of Justice therefore wishes to get to work immediately to continue “the best possible” the work of his predecessor Vincent Van Quickenborne. Paul Van Tigchelt will also participate in the elections for the Open VLD in Antwerp next year, but his place on the list has not yet been decided. “I will take my responsibilities“, did he declare.
#Paul #Van #Tigchelt #exOCAM #Minister #Justice #choice #absolute #expert #Alexander #Croo