Expert in Natural Medicine Discusses Rivalry Between Conventional and Natural Medicine: An Integrative Approach for Optimal Health

2023-09-03 01:45:25
Aldara MartiteguiMadrid 03/09/2023 03:45h.

José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine: “If you have a heart attack, do not go to a naturopath, go to a hospital” NIUS

Interview with the natural medicine expert José María Sánchez Navarro on the rivalry between conventional medicine and natural medicine

“We are more than just a physical body and a mind; we are an energetic body and in that energetic body resides the soul”, he assures

Sánchez Navarro reflects on the impact that this dissociated conception of the human being is having on our health and on our sick society

Go ahead -as the headline of this interview reflects- that this expert in natural medicine It is not, nor does it pretend to be, the scourge of conventional medicine.. Absolutely. José María Sánchez Navarro does not advertise anything…it is not on his agenda to try to convince anyone of the importance of address the anatomy of the human being -and therefore health- from a visionscientific and spiritual.

It is university expert in micronutrition and diet therapy, osteopath and naturopath by trainingHe only answers when they approach him to ask. Answer with the knowledge of who has dedicated thousands of hours to study the ancient teachings of medicine and holistic sciences and with the wisdom of who has experienced in his own healthin your own life, the results of the integration of body, mind, soul and spirit.

“There comes a time when I begin to see that the physical body has a very important structure in our life but that there is something else… something else that also has something to say in this whole process,” he says. Sánchez Navarro in this interview -Notice- not suitable for those who are not willing to open their minds to the possibility that maybe a more integrative medicine – that takes into account all the dimensions of the human being – is the key to responding to the most complex psychophysical and social imbalances of today.

It’s not Sanchez Navarro much less the first to defend that there can be an integration of both medicines: the natural and the conventional allopathic characteristic of our current health system. In fact, there is many scientists and doctors trained in conventional medicine who are already opening up to this integrative medicine within the healthcare system. “Science and spirituality are not incompatible, but complement each other” said Inma Nogués, a primary care doctor at a health center in Barcelona in an interview with NIUS.

The reality is that today Everything that does not conform to that conventional paradigm continues to be viewed with suspicion.. My conversation with Sánchez Navarro starts with this concern of mine to understand this rivalry between conventional medicine and natural medicine that I cannot understand, but it leads us to much deeper ground in which Sánchez Navarro reflects on the impact that this dissociated conception of the human being is having on our health and on our sick society: “very sick because we do not live from the soul”, he points out.

I know that it is a controversial issue, although I undoubtedly believe that it is known by the entire population that pharmaceutical laboratories have a very powerful power over the health system (José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine) #cards # / /cards

Question: Why is there this rivalry between natural medicine and allopathic conventional medicine? Doesn’t the second drink from the first?

Answer: The origins really come from the beginning of the 20th century when there is a rivalry between what is natural medicine and allopathic medicine. My path begins hand in hand with micronutrition. I specialize and study micronutrition and diet therapy at the University of Almería, but I realize that, over the years, health requires something more – that food is really very important – but it requires something more. In that part I begin to investigate and train myself -of this more than 25 years ago- in natural therapies and I begin to observe how we can heal the body through plants, through vitamins, minerals, water, the sun… everything that the great Greek doctors already used; that is, if we go back to research, we come to Hippocratic medicine, we see that Hippocrates -who is the father of everything I am talking regarding now-, is the one who initiates treatment with plants, homeopathy, oligotherapy and many other techniques… Actually all this was used until the beginning of the 20th century; It was used in hospitals and outpatient clinics in all countries.

Q: What happened then at the beginning of the 20th century for that to change?

R: That at the beginning of the century a report commissioned by John D. Rockefeller which is called the flexner report; this report is requested to view what kind of therapies were practiced in hospitals, what was done in hospitals at that time. The Flexner brothers begin to develop an investigation in which they say that each hospital has a different way of working: some worked with the sun, others with water, others with massages, others used reflexology or plants… and there was also surgery and also sometimes medication, but it was an integrative medicine. So, on the one hand, this Flexner report comes to develop that there was not an equal methodological direction in all hospitals, but more or less each hospital did what it considered. This report it was not used in principle to do something more integrative but to do something more disintegrated and separate because this report was focused on what we know today that manages everything at the health level, which is the pharmaceutical industry…I know it’s a controversial issue, although I undoubtedly believe it’s known to the entire population that Pharmaceutical laboratories have a very powerful power over the health system.

I insist a lot that there can be an integration of both medicines, in fact, there are many doctors and naturopaths who are already collaborating in this integrative medicine (José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine)

Q: Being convinced of the benefits of natural medicine does it mean being strongly opposed to conventional medicine?

R: With this I do not mean that I am once morest medicines or toilets, the other way around. I believe that the health system has an important point in our society and that I have always said that if you have a heart attack, don’t go to a naturopath, go to a hospital, right? Although it is true that, as a result of this Flexner report, what was done was to place a director of the Rockefeller Foundation in each university and in this way the form of study in medical universities was conditioned: causing today’s physician to overlook nutrition, overlook natural health techniques, and imposing only a methodological system in health, which is what we know today as the allopathic medicine that is: diagnosis and drugdiagnosis and drug, diagnosis and drug…

Q: We also see that the media uses the term pseudoscience a lot in a pejorative tone to criticize everything that is outside of conventional medicine… is natural medicine unscientific?

A: Natural therapies do have scientific studies. For example, Dr. Niurka Meneses, who is a Cuban doctor, months ago demonstrated why naturopathy works… what happens is that this has not come out. But if you put Niurka Meneses and investigate regarding it, you will see that she is a doctor, a biologist who has been working with naturopathy for years and is doing this type of study.

Q: Also, in the media, anyone who talks regarding health from a different perspective than conventional medicine is often branded as a ‘charlatan’ ‘smoke salesman’…

R: Yes, this exists, yes… and it is true that, in the field of natural therapies, in the absence of current legislation, he puts us all in that bag: to many people, people who have a qualification to be able to practice in this sense due to our training and experience, but It is also true that you can study naturopathy in a three-month CCC course…so it is true that, today we have that process open. But I strongly insist that there can be an integration of both medicines, in fact, there are many doctors and naturopaths who are already collaborating in this integrative medicine.

We are more than just a physical body and a mind; We are an energetic body and the soul resides in that energetic body (José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine)

Q: José María, tell me regarding yourself and how you got to the point where you are… I think a fall from a scaffolding (literally) had an influence…

R: Since I was very young, since I was a teenager, I have lived with anxiety and panic attacks.. I live with it, but somehow I hide it until, at the age of 20, it starts to manifest itself in a very powerful way and I don’t quite know how to handle all of it. This leads me to a life in which I combine studies and work. I am studying osteopathy, but I have it a bit on the sidelines because my family is very large and I have to start working on construction sites, where I fall from a scaffolding. I fall from the scaffolding and injure my back: I fracture a vertebra and I have to go into the operating room and I have to be very immobilized for 18 months. At that time, surgery -approximately 24 years ago- did not have the advances that there are today and an injury of this type required a lot of immobilization. There I use that time to resume those osteopathy studies that I had hanging there, and finish them. Osteopathy for me was a very positive result because it understands that the body is a holism. Osteopathy manages from the physical body at the muscular level, both the viscera and at the cranial level. And when you work at the cranial level, you work at the physical and energetic level because you work with movements of the cranial structures that develop changes in the physical body, that is, you treat a sprain from the skull, to give you an idea. So, at that moment, you begin to observe that through the body and a cranial structure, people can, for example, begin to cry, they begin to release fields of emotion. At first it seems a bit surreal to see how that can release such a deep emotion in a 50-year-old person, for example, that perhaps it has to do with a childhood process of his…so for me something else awakens there. At that time I also had my micronutrition studies -although I did not practice- but I began to complement the nutrition part with osteopathy and I begin to see that the physical body has a very important structure in our life but that there is something else…something else that also has something to say in this whole process.

Q: That something else that you already sensed… when and how did you discover it?

R: I continued training as a naturopath and in many other fields, although it was not until I was 32 years old that I fell into another very powerful personal process at the level of anxiety and I enter the world of yoga. I have always had the great luck of entering powerful schools and my training lasted 4 years. In this yoga and transpersonal psychology training for 4 years, my life changed very powerfully because I realize that the mental field is essential to maintain a good balance of physical health. That is to say, I am realizing that thought generates an emotion and that at a given moment if that emotion is disturbing or negative, it somatizes into physical pain… this is something that no scientific study is needed to know.…how many people have an emotional process and their stomach closes? How many people have a scare and develop a stiff neck or lumbago? Emotion somatizes in the physical body and we see it daily. Even so, I realized that it took a long time to balance physical health through mental management (…) I personally realized that by practicing yoga every day, meditating every day, there came a point where I was tired and my emotional field returned to the negative process that it had 6 months before, that is, there was no significant change. At that time I met in the Buddhist temple of Dag Shang Kagyu, which is in Panillo, a town in Huesca (…) I go there periodically for 5 years to receive teachings in meditation and silence retreats and that is where I truly come into contact with the fact that we are more than a physical body and a mind; we are an energetic body and in that energetic body resides the soul.

We are in a very sick society because we do not live from the soul and, as a consequence, we do not live from love (José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine)

Q: What is the soul and what role does it play in our health?

R: The experience of the soul is living a state of consciousness in all senses, as Charles Chaplin said: “Whether life comes to you in color or in black and white”… what you do is live life with all its intensity. When I live life with all the intensity, all the nuances, I am already living it from the soul. Many people come here, they are born forgetting the purpose of what we have to do… then the soul will knock on the door pom pom pom … “don’t get lost in the world of work”, pom pom pom; “don’t get lost in the world of money”, pom pom pom; “don’t get lost in the world of the family”, pom pom pom; “don’t get lost in the world of friends”… that is, experience everything, but don’t get attached to anything. When I can experience everything without being attached to anything, I am already living the experience of the soul.: but if I don’t do it, if I don’t allow that to happen, then that’s when the disease arises or a traumatic process arises in my case that plays a powerful impact where there is that claim of the soul.

Q: Could you give me an example of what it is like for you to live from the soul experience?

R: Just as we have come to savor a good plate of food -something that is perfectly within the human experience- We have come to experience the states of dissolution, of the emptiness of thoughts, to know the nature of our mind and to manage something very important in our lives, which is love.…today we are facing a society that is far from living in love. Starting with love for ourselves (…) But all these experiences are the first that we have come to live, that is: to treat ourselves with love, look at our faces with love, stop insulting ourselves, criticizing ourselves, stop eating badly and negatively because we are hurting ourselves, leaving harmful habits for our health such as tobacco or alcohol, those ways of self-destructing… and of course, it is impossible to love others like this, it is totally impossible. We cannot live the experience of the soul while we do not love ourselves… and many disease processes arise there. We are in a very sick society because we do not live from the soul and, as a consequence, we do not live from love. It is increasingly clear to me that the energy that can heal at all times is love above all other energies.above eating well, drinking a lot of water, having good relationships… We live in a totally dissociated society… we are dissociated from what is the physical body and the soul. We are totally lost and it is normal that we have a society as sick as the one we have today.

P: I have brought up what you say in some conversations and many people tell me that for them purely earthly experiences -I mean those in which the soul is not contemplated- are already full, that nothing more is needed…

R: Buddha said that as long as we are not aware of our thoughts and emotions we live in the world of ignorance. With this I do not want to be contemptuous towards these people: I have lived there, at that time. AND while I have not been aware of my emotional world and my thoughts I have been ignorant and in many aspects of my life I still am because my consciousness is growing depending on how I am living.

Undoubtedly, technology does separate us from the soul, it separates us from the experience of the soul (José María Sánchez Navarro, expert in natural medicine)

P: What would you say to these people who live with their backs to the soul, in that ignorance of the soul?

R: What by living in ignorance we get used to surviving. Surviving means creating a false security, creating a false state of balance in our lives and it is often what we get used to living, but really what we are doing there is surviving… we are not living. It does not mean that these people have a more involutive life. This means that the personality and the ego have taken over the reins of this experience. That’s why, at some point, when the soul cannot live the experience it has to live, it will detonate. And there we have diseases such as autoimmune pathologies, such as cancer pathologies, etc. that today are manifested very easily because the soul will always ask to leave. If the ego and the personality prevent me because I don’t want to change my life, because I don’t want to get out of that form of comfort, from that false security that I have created, the soul will do it abruptly. And those people really, even if they say so, do not live fully… fullness and equanimity are something of high levels… they are very powerful words. In any case we can live in a happiness that dies. That happiness that dies is marked by external stimuli. I am happier if life gives me positive stimuli and I am unhappy if life brings me negative stimuli: there is no fulfillment, there is no happiness, there is a state of survival.

Q: Finally, José María: before you said that we live disassociated and lost… do you think we live more disassociated and lost now than at other times in history? To what extent do you think technology is contributing to further disassociate us?

R: We are very dissociated because there is a character of ‘do, do, I have to do’, the ‘I have’ and the ‘I want’ are very powerful in us and there is no doubt that technology today -which is a double-edged sword – Yes, it takes us out of ourselves a lot. One of the most negative parts that I can see of technology is that it cloisters us a lot in matter, makes us identify a lot with the ego, with the personality, that is to say: the poses, the forms, giving a good image, the fact that we look good… that makes us identify with some personality and ego biases that they get much stronger. with which, undoubtedly Technology does separate us from the soul, it separates us from the experience of the soul.

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