Expert explains differences and specificities of iron and aluminum

2023-08-02 12:16:20

Aluminum and iron are materials that look similar, but have differences ranging from composition to ideal ways of use. While iron has a melting point above 1,000°C, is hard and can be attracted by magnets, aluminum is a light, silvery material with a melting point around 660°C and no magnetic properties.

In addition, the visual purposes of each material are also different. While aluminum delivers a more modern look, iron will provide a rustic style. The specialist Trajano Neto, manager of the laminate division of the Mundo Serralheiro franchise, reinforces that the differences go far beyond the visual ones and that both can be better used when used correctly.

Due to chemical properties, iron is less resistant to corrosion. For this reason, Trajano explains that frames are more durable when made of aluminum. Other differences highlighted by the expert are:

Durability: aluminum lasts longer because it is more resistant to climate action; Weight: iron is a heavier material, so they are not recommended for some structures that require lightness, such as gutters; Cleaning: aluminum requires less cleaning and maintenance, such as painting, as it can be washed normally without the risk of rusting;

“Like aluminum, iron has some advantages. However, it has characteristics that it cannot offer, which makes its use inadvisable for the production of certain parts, such as gutters, profiles and external decoration details”, explains Trajano Neto.


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