Expert details the benefits of a state of relaxation and how to achieve it – G5noticias

Nuria Pérez Romero, an academic at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at Andrés Bello University, asserts that everyone can achieve a state of relaxation if they possess the right tools.

While stress may sometimes appear to be an adversary, it is, in fact, a natural response that keeps us alert and active, enabling us to meet our daily responsibilities. This type of stress is beneficial as it motivates us to get to work or take the children to school. However, when stress becomes prolonged and maintains us in a state of high activation, it can turn chronic and adversely impact our performance and well-being.

Moreover, this stress is influenced by two factors: our perception of the severity of the problem we face and the resources we believe we have to manage it, resulting in either an adaptation to stress (“eustress”) or a negative response to stress (“distress”).

To mitigate this state of heightened activation, one of the resources available is relaxation, which serves as a valuable state amidst the stress produced by daily tasks. Nuria Pérez Romero, a doctor in psychology and professor at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at Andrés Bello University, explains that “relaxation allows us to reduce physical and mental activation, promoting recovery, rest, and overall well-being. Being relaxed benefits not only our mind but also has positive effects on our body.”

Benefits of relaxation

The UNAB academic affirms that relaxation “helps lower stress, strengthens the immune system, aids in pain management, regulates sleep, and prevents disorders such as anxiety and depression, while also enhancing concentration and decision-making abilities by fostering greater awareness of our own body.”

When we achieve a state of relaxation, the professional indicates that both our body and mind experience numerous benefits, such as reduced blood pressure and heart rate, decreased anxiety levels, and improved mood and concentration.

Techniques to achieve relaxation

Although everyone possesses the ability to relax, the ease with which it is attained can vary from person to person and from moment to moment; thus, consistent and mindful practice, accompanied by professional guidance, is essential, especially at the outset.

Dr. Nuria Pérez Romero identifies several effective techniques to attain the desired state of relaxation: 1. Deep breathing: Spending a few minutes engaging in slow, deep breathing can calm the nervous system and alleviate tension. 2. Mindfulness: This practice involves observing thoughts without clinging to them or judging them, maintaining focus on the present and avoiding distractions from the past or future. 3. Changing thoughts: Rather than attempting to suppress negative thoughts, it is more effective to replace them with calming ones. 4. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique decreases physical tension by consecutively tensing and then relaxing specific muscle groups. 5. Guided visualization: This method employs mental imagery to foster a sense of calm and well-being. 6. Physical exercise and leisure activities: In addition to its physiological benefits, exercise aids in disconnecting from negative thoughts by centering the mind on the present and on bodily movements, breaking the cycle of persistent worry.

Unlocking the Power of Relaxation: Techniques and Benefits

Nuria Pérez Romero, an academic at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Andrés Bello University, states that all people can reach a state of relaxation if they find the appropriate tools.

Understanding Stress: The Double-Edged Sword

Although stress can sometimes seem like an enemy, it is actually a natural response that keeps us alert and active, allowing us to fulfill our daily obligations. This type of stress, referred to as “eustress,” is beneficial as it helps us get up for work or take the children to school. However, when stress is prolonged and keeps us in a state of high activation, it can become chronic and negatively affect our performance and well-being.

Furthermore, this stress depends on two factors: the perception of the magnitude of the problem we face and the resources we believe we have to deal with it. This dynamic can generate either an adaptation to stress (“eustress”) or a negative response to stress (“distress”).

The Role of Relaxation in Stress Management

One essential resource we have to counteract stress is relaxation, a state that is incredibly useful in the midst of the stress generated by daily activities. Dr. Nuria Pérez Romero explains that relaxation “allows us to reduce physical and mental activation, facilitating recovery, rest, and general well-being. Being relaxed not only benefits our mind, but also has positive effects on our body.”

Benefits of Relaxation

The UNAB academic assures that relaxation has multiple health benefits, including:

  • Reduces stress levels
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Facilitates pain management
  • Regulates sleep patterns
  • Prevents disorders such as anxiety and depression
  • Improves concentration and decision-making abilities

When we achieve a state of relaxation, both our body and mind benefit significantly. Some of the notable advantages include:

  • Reduction in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Decreased anxiety levels
  • Enhanced mood and cognitive focus

Techniques to Achieve Relaxation

While everyone has the inherent capability to relax, the ease of reaching this state varies from person to person. To facilitate relaxation, repeated and conscious training, ideally accompanied by professional guidance, is vital. Dr. Nuria Pérez Romero identifies several effective techniques to achieve relaxation:

1. Deep Breathing

Spending a few minutes in slow, deep breathing can calm the nervous system and relieve tension.

2. Mindfulness

This practice involves observing thoughts without clinging to them or evaluating them, focusing on the present and avoiding distractions from the past or future.

3. Changing Thoughts

Rather than suppressing negative thoughts, it is more effective to replace them with calming and positive affirmations.

4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique helps reduce physical tension by sequentially tensing and then relaxing specific muscle groups.

5. Guided Visualization

Using mental imagery to induce a state of calm and well-being can be incredibly effective.

6. Physical Exercise and Leisure Activities

Not only does exercise provide physiological benefits, but it also enables individuals to disconnect from negative thoughts by concentrating on the present activities and body movements.

Case Studies: Real-Life Applications of Relaxation Techniques

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of relaxation techniques in diverse settings such as workplaces, schools, and rehabilitation programs. For instance:

Setting Technique Used Outcome
Workplace Mindfulness Increased employee productivity and reduced burnout levels.
School Deep Breathing Improved student focus and reduced anxiety-related disruptions.
Rehabilitation Progressive Muscle Relaxation Enhanced physical recovery and reduced pain levels in patients.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Relaxation into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating relaxation techniques into your life can yield tremendous benefits. Here are some practical tips:

  • Schedule daily relaxation time, even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes.
  • Experiment with different techniques to find what resonates best with you.
  • Create a calming environment by reducing noise and clutter.
  • Use apps or guided recordings for mindfulness and relaxation practices.

First-Hand Experience: Benefits of Regular Relaxation

Many individuals who have committed to regular relaxation practices report transformative changes in their lives. For example, one user shared that after integrating mindfulness meditation into her daily routine, she experienced significantly lowered stress levels and an increase in overall happiness. Others have reported better sleep quality and a newfound clarity in decision-making.



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