Expert committee says ‘high risk’ of ‘urban care’ spending falling in 2024

Expert committee says ‘high risk’ of ‘urban care’ spending falling in 2024

2024-07-29 14:18:15

Community care is declining compared with the targets set in the 2024 social security budget, with the program deficit likely to widen by an additional €500 million, According to the Health Insurance Cost Evolution Alert Commission. it exists “Given increased spending in the first six months of 2024, the risk of exceeding the community care sub-target is high”The committee wrote in its latest opinion published on Monday, July 29 daily life echo.

The expert committee monitors the gap every six months between actual health insurance spending and targets set by the Financing of Social Security (LFSS) Act. The LFSS predicts that community care spending will reach €108.4 billion by 2024. But in the first six months of this year, “Total Actual Expenditure” Their analysis said that compared with the same period in 2023, expenditures related to urban care increased by 5.7%, or 1.5 percentage points above the target of +4.2%.

The gap is worrying “most” Urban Nursing Station: Medical Biology, Patient Transport, Fees for Specialists, Masseurs-Physiotherapists, Sick Leave, Medications and Medical Equipment, Committee Details, Observations “Dynamic” amount of support.

Reserves deemed ‘insufficient’

They continued that there are several variables that should change spending in the second half of the year, especially higher revenue due to a doubling of revenue. « Franchise » – The patient is still responsible for the medication or consultation – in the case of increases in costs that occurred between April 1 and May 15, or following the revaluation of private doctor prices recently agreed upon by unions and health insurance.

Ultimately, the Commission estimates that total spending could be reduced by around €1 billion by the end of 2024. ” Booking” If the national health spending target (Ondam) is exceeded, but this is “Insufficient”, experts say. They recalled the serious deficit in public hospitals and pointed to an increase of €170 million in allocations to the lucrative private sector in mid-2024.

By using the few reserves it can mobilize and anticipating the reduction in medical biology expenses recently negotiated with representatives of analytical laboratories, the committee estimates that Ondam could end up exceeding €500 million by the end of the year. this amount ” important” However “Below alert threshold”set at 0.5% of the forecast expenditure amount, or 1.3 billion euros.

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