Experience the Future: A Sneak Peek into 2024!

The photos prove that the construction work is indeed finished and all that remains is the completion of test runs, in order to give the final approval and put the main line into operation. And that will happen on November 30!

See the photos of the stations

Thessaloniki Metro: The main functional characteristics of the project

At the same time, at today’s press conference, the technical details of the project were presented in detail, as well as the multiple benefits that the operation of the metro will have for the city:

Expected daily passenger traffic,

Basic Project: 254,000 passengers,
Kalamaria extension: 87,000 passengers
Fully automated, air-conditioned trains of 4 driverless vehicles, with a capacity of 450 passengers each

Operating time, based on design: 90 sec

Commercial train speed : 30 km/h, Maximum train speed : 80 km/h

Design capacity: 18,000 passengers/hour/direction

Disabled friendly system

Stations with a central platform 60m long, equipped with Doors on the Platforms

Wireless Signaling CBTC, automation level GOA 4, safety level SIL4

Traction power system 750 V DC with electric rod

Tunnel ventilation system with two ventilation shafts per station and 2 tunnel fans per shaft

The benefits of running the project

Traffic benefits

Passenger traffic 341,000 passengers per day, with the main project serving approximately 254,000 passengers per day.
Direct access within the 500m influence zone around the stations, population of around 200,000 inhabitants and 120,000 jobs.
Increase the rate of use of Public Transport from 15% today up to 50%
Increase of the average travel speed on the MMM network from 15 km/hr to 26 km/hr
Reductions in vehicle-hours spent on the Road Network by approximately 29%, with a reduction in delays especially in the central area of ​​the PST,
Increased the average speed of vehicles from 21 km/hr to 31 km/hr
Environmental Benefits

Reduction of CO2 emissions: 137,000 tons per year
Savings: €25,500,000 per year (current prices 2024)
Financial Benefits from Saving Travel Time

On the Road Network: €65,000,000 per year (current prices 2024)
In Public Transport: €107,500,000 per year (current prices 2024)

Staikouras: In 87 days the Thessaloniki Metro

For the Thessaloniki Metro spoke o Christos Staikourasstressing that in 87 days the city will have a subway.

“In just 87 days, Thessaloniki will have a Metro (…), “a full eighteen years after the signing of the basic contract for the project on April 26, 2006”: with these phrases, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Christos Staikouras, confirmed from announced today that the city’s fixed-track vehicle baseline will be delivered on November 30.

In the second half of 2025 the extension to Kalamaria and priority on the line to Ano Evosmos
For his part, the responsible deputy minister, Nikos Tachiaos, pointed out that immediately after the completion of the main line (the transfer station in New Switzerland will also be delivered at the same time) and the extension to Kalamaria (in the second half of 2025), as “priority number one” the creation of a second line for the Thessaloniki Metro is highlighted, which will start from Ano Evosmos and end in Charilaou, intersecting with the first line only at one point (at APTH).

The above was highlighted during today’s press conference of the contracting company AKTOR, which took place inside the Agia Sofia Metro station, which Mr. Tachiaos characterized as the most emblematic among the total of 13 of the main line, as “it will regenerate mobility in Thessaloniki”.

Staikouras: “We are ready. Thessaloniki is transforming”

In more detail, Mr. Staikouras announced that, so far, the total percentage of implementation of the financial object of the project contract amounts to 94.6%, as the construction has been completed and only the completion of the tests on the electromechanical (H/M) systems and the rolling stock (18 trains with a capacity of 450 people each have already been received, while the procurement of another 15 is underway). Mr. Staikouras also pointed out that the archaeological works have been completed in all the positions, based on the requirements of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Thessaloniki. The same applies to the Venizelos station, where the removal and repositioning of the important antiquities has been completed. “We are ready. Thessaloniki is transforming” added the minister, who recalled that all 110 new electric buses have already been received for urban transport in the city, which in less than three years, in 2027, will also acquire the elevated ring road (the Flyover).

Answering a question about the cost of the single ticket for public transport in Thessaloniki, the minister pointed out that this will be determined in the near future, but what is certain is that it will correspond to the enhanced quality of the transport services provided, through the most modern Metro line in Europe and the 110 new electric buses of OASTH.

Mr. Tachiaos emphasized that the creation of the Metro in Thessaloniki was not just a “vice”, since it is a necessary project for the city, which will allow it to change. He clarified that the construction of the extension of the Metro to the airport is not prioritized, as the movements on this route are not many, while he reminded that the red line of the metro (the main one, which connects the New Railway Station with Nea Egnatia) will be ready on November 30 and will be followed by the blue line (extension to Kalamaria), without this meaning that the Mikras terminal will be delivered at the same time as the second line.

In addition to the second line (to Ano Evosmos), which is prioritized, as already mentioned, extensions to Stavroupoli and the airport are also planned for the future, while there is also the expectation of the extension to Thermi. According to Mr. Tahiao, the ministry is looking for financial resources for the extensions of the Metro, at a time when infrastructure is not a key priority for European programs, clarifying however that, in any case, in order to request funding, it should first have the baseline. Referring specifically to the Venizelos station, “perhaps the most beautiful in Europe”, he said that it proves in practice that Metro and ancient will live in a living coexistence.

The operation of the Thessaloniki Metro is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 137,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, the managing director of ELLINIKO METRO SA, Nikolaos Kouretas, pointed out for his part, adding that it is expected to increase the use of public transport from a meager 15% today (based on study) to 50%.

“The Thessaloniki Metro is actually finished” pointed out the president and managing director of AKTOR, Alexandros Exarchou, stressing that in the last one year a huge effort was made by the company and “the technical beast called AKTOR was set in motion”, so that despite the initial ironies and controversies, the project will indeed be completed on November 30. However, he added, this would not have been possible without the exemplary cooperation with the Greek government. He added that the Thessaloniki Metro should act as an example for the future, in terms of what should be done with public works, so that they are not only executed better, but also cost less.

The basic line of the Thessaloniki Metro will operate with 18 trains without a driver (there will be an attendant for safety). Its maximum carrying capacity will be 18,000 passengers per hour in each direction, for a total of 254,000 passengers, estimated to reach 350,000 when the 15 additional trains are added. Regarding the time distances (the time it will take for a train to pass through each stop), Mr. Tachiaos pointed out that these are determined by demand, however, during the day and peak hours, trains will initially pass every 2.5 minutes from the stops, and when the first seven of the 15 additional wires are delivered, the time will be reduced to 1.5 minutes.


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It ​appears that⁣ you’ve posted ⁢a section of JavaScript code that integrates⁣ multiple advertisement systems and tracking services. Let’s break down the main components⁢ present in⁢ the code:

Key Features of the Code

  1. Google Publisher Tag (GPT):

‍ -‌ The script uses googletag ⁤to define ad slots, set targeting parameters, and manage ⁣the loading of predefined advertisement⁤ units.

‍- ‍Ad slots are defined, including specific dimensions for different ‍ad types using googletag.defineSlot().

  1. Ad Targeting:

– The script uses setTargeting to categorize the ad content ‍by pageType, category, and ⁣ article_id to ensure relevancy.

  1. Ad Loading Control:

⁤ – Functions like collapseEmptyDivs(), disableInitialLoad(), and ​ enableSingleRequest() ⁤ help‌ manage ad display and control the loading behavior to optimize user experience.

  1. Conditional ⁤Rendering for Mobile:

⁣ – It‌ checks for window.isMobile to adjust which ad slots are ​displayed⁢ based‍ on device type.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

– Placeholder comments suggest ⁣asynchronous loading​ for other ad systems (e.g., Taboola, Phaistos Adman), ⁤using the function asyncLoadScript() which is likely defined elsewhere in‍ your codebase.

  1. User Engagement⁢ Tracking:

⁢⁤ – The code initializes OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus⁣ for comment management, indicating usage of these platforms ‌to ⁣engage ⁢users.

  1. Comment and Analytics Services:

– It ⁣sets up a configuration ⁤for Disqus​ to link comments to the specific⁤ article⁢ using⁣ page.identifier.

  1. Conditional ⁤AdSense Implementation:

– The code removes​ AdSense scripts based on whether the ⁢user is on a mobile device, ensuring‍ that the right advertisements are served.

  1. Placeholders‍ for Other Services:

⁤ ‌- There are several‌ commented-out sections for additional services (like Facebook Pixel), suggesting⁣ that ⁢this script could be extended to include more⁣ tracking or ⁣marketing tools in the future.

Suggestions for ‍Improvement

  • Code Cleanup: Remove ‍commented-out scripts unless they⁢ serve ​a ⁢purpose ​for documentation or future reference.
  • Error Handling: Consider adding error handling for asynchronous operations⁣ to ensure a smoother user ⁢experience in⁤ case any ⁤script fails to load.
  • Performance ​Optimization: Aim to minimize synchronous scripts and optimize loading times, particularly ​for mobile users.
  • Validation and Security: ⁤ Ensure proper validation⁤ for dynamic⁤ content loading ‍to avoid XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities.

If you ​have specific ⁤questions about parts ‍of ​this code or need ‌help with a particular​ aspect, feel free to⁣ ask!



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