Experience reports from the X-odus and other ASM exits

Since I withdrew from the supposedly “social”, but in reality commercial and often anti-social media (ASM, in my case Facebook, Instagram & X), I have noticed a significant improvement in my quality of life. There were short phases of withdrawal because the algorithms of these corporate media targeted the messenger substances Dopamine (Reward impulses through likes, hearts, approval in the bubble) and Adrenalin (agitation, outrage, friend-enemy dualism) trigger the users digitally thymotisieren. The targeted manipulation of human neuropsychology is also considered Neurohacking designated. People, including young men, are thymotized, brutalized, manipulated and radicalized.

After China and India have already banned TikTok and Brazil X blockedthe European Union is finally taking action. AFP reported this a few days ago:

The EU Commission has warned the video platforms YouTube, Snapchat and Tiktok because of the allegedly addictive effect of their algorithms. According to its own information on Wednesday, Brussels wants to check whether the companies are fueling the risk of addiction on their platforms and the spread of hate messages with personalized recommendations for users. The three online services must now provide the Commission with detailed information about their algorithms.”

The digital thymos is deliberately triggered by corporate media in order to get people addicted to new digital interactions. Michael Blume with Leonardo.AI

I noticed that After quitting the antisocial apps and having more real life interactions, my mood improved significantly and I discovered how much friendlier the world seems without constant, digitally generated outrage. And, awesome: A small group of trolls even followed me with new and short-lived accounts on Mastodon to get their daily dose of dopamine-adrenaline outrage addiction! There were jokes, whether Mastodon acts like the substitute drug methadone for some people

In a tweet from November 2022, the evangelical Christian Dr. Michael Blume as "Jewish agitator" reviled.

One of many hostile tweets when X was still called Twitter. In this one I was wrongly called a “Jewish agitator” and Elon Musk was praised. Screenshot: Michael Blume

It’s always surprising to me how many people, on the one hand, claim that I’m completely irrelevant and naive – and, on the other hand, attack me over and over again, in one case even because of a tweet sued in court through several instances. Of course, I did not and will not allow this to deter my stance against anti-Semitism and any hostile dualism.

On July 14, 2024, Dr. Michael Blume told Mastodon that he would not be intimidated by the accompanying picture collage, which marked him with a yellow Jewish star on his chest.

For my speech in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg on November 9th, 2023, I was marked with a yellow Jewish star on my chest in a picture collage that was also shared on X. Screenshot: Michael Blume

In addition to hatred and incitement against me personally, there were also more and more unacceptable things X-Posts by Elon Muskin which he reinforced anti-Semitic conspiracy myths and yourself solidarity with Iran’s murderous resource curse regime. Finally, I expressly warn against to exclusively feed energy-intensive corporate AIs (so-called AGIs) like X-Grok. Only content that we have in the publicly accessible Fediverse Posting – in blogs, websites, podcasts, videocasts, etc. – are also accessible to smaller and European AI providers.

So in sum I am I am more than happy both emotionally and in terms of content with my ASM farewells and most recently the X-odus as well as the consistent move to the Fediverse – they were the right decisions.

Dr. Michael Blume beams in a blue Fediverse T-shirt and with a Solarpunk mug sent via Mastodon.

Out of the anti-social media and into the truly social Fediverse and the common solar punk. Photo: K2 Blume

But I would like to know: How are you doing with it? Still plugged in the Thymos trap of so-called “social media” from profit-oriented digital companies? Or have you already shut down accounts, deleted them, or switched to Fediverse? What are your experiences?

I’m very excited and looking forward to non-outrage-addicted Drukos! 🙂


Dr. Michael Blume studied religious and political science and received his doctorate on religion in brain and evolution research. University lecturer, science blogger & Christian-Islamic family man, author, including “Islam in Crisis” (2017), “Why anti-Semitism threatens us all” (2019) and much more. Has also experienced and survived a lot in crisis regions, representative of the state government since 2018 BW vs. anti-Semitism. He has been blogging for many years on “Nature of Faith” as a “participant observer” for science and democracy, against conspiracy myths and the water crisis.



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