Another 12 days to wait. On July 12, NASA, ESA and CSA (Canadian Space Agency) will release the first images from the James-Webb Space Observatory as well as the first spectroscopic data.
NASA boss Bill Nelson told a news conference yesterday that one of the images to be unveiled is the deepest image of our Universe that has ever been acquired. ” It’s further than mankind has ever looked before he said and calling the telescope ” nothing less than a true scientific achievement “. This image will therefore surpass that of the ultra-deep field of Hubble, which has become iconic. For now, it is not known if James-Webb observed the same point as Hubble from the region of the southern hemisphere, located in the constellation of the Furnace.
Images to change the vision of astronomy
The photos that will be made public have therefore been selected. Nasa said they were chosen on scientific considerations, their ability to demonstrate the scope of the telescope’s capabilities and also for their artistic interest and expected colorful beauty. Each of the images will reveal ” different aspects of the infrared universe in unprecedented detail and sensitivity said the James-Webb scientists.
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