Expansion of the Armed Forces in public security advances in the Senate

Con 18 votes in favor10 against and one abstention, senators approved in Commissions the minutes that extend the term of the participation of the Armed Forces in tasks of security public.

The opinion will be remitted al Full for analysis and further discussion.

Ricardo MonrealMorena coordinator, warned on sunday that the PRI initiative could be stopped in the Senate since there is no consensus.

To approve the initiative, two thirds of the votes in favor would be needed in the Senate; that is, 86 votes if all 128 seats are filled.

Morena and her allies, the PT, the Green Party and the Social Encounter, occupy just 75 seats in the Upper House.

Practically all the opposition senators reject the initiative, except for the PRI member Manuel Añorve, according to reports.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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