Expanding Car-Free Day in Brussels: The Economic Impact and Prospect of a Second Day Without Cars

2023-09-18 06:14:00

Ridouane Chahid, the socialist leader in the Brussels Parliament, was Martin Buxant’s guest on Bel RTL Matin’s 7:50 am.

Yesterday the annual “car-free day” took place in Brussels. From 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., cars were banned from driving in the capital. Green Minister Elke Van den Brandt speaks of a huge success and could propose one “every month”.

On the 7:50 a.m. set, Brussels socialist leader Ridouane Chahid returned to this proposal. “I think it is a little excessive, but we have already made it known to all the mayors that we would be in favor of a second car-free day, for example during the Iris Festival.“, he said. “But that comes at a cost….”

Also read Car-free day: what is the importance of the car for young people?

A cost, but for whom and how much? “We are still talking about 800,000 euros for a day without a car, on a Sunday. We need to know the economic impact. In principle, the mayors did not disagree, but this must be studied“, explains Ridouane Chahid.

Heading towards a second day without a car, then? “The best would be for it to be on the weekend and not in the middle of the week, obviously. We know that this will have an impact on mobility and on our economy“.

car-free day Brussels
#carfree #day #year #Brussels #mayors #disagree

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