Exotic constrictor snake found by dog ​​during walk in Carinthia

According to information from the Happ Reptile Zoo, the snake was lying in the grass and sunning itself. The fire department was called and sent a video of the python to Helga Happ, who confirmed that it was a non-venomous animal. The firefighters caught the exotic snake and handed it over to the care of the reptile zoo.

The Happ Reptile Zoo has been offering training courses for fire departments on how to deal with exotic reptiles for several years and has established itself as a point of contact for any finds. The snake found in Ebenthal was an adult animal that had probably been on the move for some time. The snake was not in bad shape, but was in a corresponding nutritional state, explained reptile expert Helga Happ. According to her information, the snake could not have come from the house in Drobollach from which 35 neglected reptiles were recovered about two weeks ago.


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