Exercise to lose weight. Is it better during the day or at night?

Exercising to lose weight or just to stay active brings many benefits to your healthalthough if we seek to obtain specific results, we can design our routines taking into account the time of day in which we practice our activities.

Remember that the results will not be the same for everyone, as there are differences between men and women, thanks to a study published in Frontiers in Physiology it was proven how it affects fat loss and physical and mental health according to the practice of exercise in the morning, before breakfast, or at night, time before dinner.

In previous years, similar studies were carried out but they did not take into account a very important point, in said investigations women were not taken into account, even the studies done with mice have been carried out with males.

In the most recent study where women were included, it is found that the results have a very large difference.

What is the ideal time to exercise to lose weight?

In the study there was 27 women and 20 men, who were healthy and physically activeFor twelve weeks, the volunteers had to follow a strict diet and exercised in one-hour sessions four days a week, with breaks on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Not all volunteers performed physical activity at the same time, for this they were divided into two groups, where one exercised to lose weight in the morning before having breakfast and the other group had activity before dinner.

The activities were the same for everyone, which included sprints, resistance training and stretching.

Prior to training, different parameters related to their physical and mental health were measured, as well as a weight record and fat and muscle mass were measured.

Thanks to this method, it was found that women who exercised in the morning burned 7% more abdominal fat and lowered their blood pressure by 7%, they also generated more leg strength.

While those who did it before dinner improved their upper body strength, they also improved their mood and decreased food cravings.

In the case of men, there were no such drastic differences because in previous studies there did not seem to be much variation between hours, it was only seen that at night their blood pressure and fat oxidation improved a little.

Why are there variations in results when exercising for weight loss?

According to experts, one of the key components is a hormonal issue, it may also be make variations in leptin and ghrelin levelswhich work like the hormones of satiety and appetite.

On the other hand, by introducing regular exercise routines, they can alter the rhythms of secretion, which directly affects appetite or cravings.

The study also suggests that for women, overnight fasting increases fat utilization during aerobic exercise. That is, if you have not eaten for many hours, your body tends to mobilize reserves.

Take into account that resistance exercise maintained over time helps to have a greater adaptation and loss of mass in adipose tissue.

In the case of men, it is not known why there is no variation between hoursso it is speculated that the main factor is that the men were more trained and it is more difficult for them to reach disturbances in their body composition.

What time do you prefer to exercise to lose weight?

With information from hypertextual.



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