Exercise Proven to Keep You Younger

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Everyone knows that exercise makes the body healthier, but did you know that exercise makes people look younger?

“Aging is a natural stage of life. However, lifestyle plays a role in determining how quickly a person ages,” said Sports Medicine Specialist Doctor at Pondok Indah Hospital – Bintaro Jaya, Grace Joselini Corlesa, in an official statement, quoted Sunday (8/9).

“Adopting an active lifestyle, especially exercising regularly, is believed to slow down the aging process. Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health, but also mental health and overall quality of life,” he continued.

Based on a survey by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2022, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, bone and joint disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases in Indonesia tends to continue to increase from year to year.

If previously this condition was experienced more by those who were elderly, currently, people of productive age (15-64 years) are also starting to experience it.

“This increase cannot be separated from the unhealthy modern lifestyle, such as an unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, smoking habits, and lack of physical activity,” said Grace.

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The aging process cannot be avoided, but it can be slowed down by adopting a healthy lifestyle as early as possible, one of which is by exercising.

“Based on research by Castillo-Garzón et al. (2022), exercise can improve physical health and reduce the risk of death by up to 44%,” said Grace.

The role of exercise in delaying aging

Decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and problems with the cardiovascular system often occur with the aging process.

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In addition, increased blood sugar levels, cholesterol, hypertension, and disturbances in the nervous system are generally also difficult to avoid in the twilight years. Sports can help slow down the signs of aging.

Each type of sport plays an important role and supports each other in supporting individual health, so it is best done in combination so that the benefits can be achieved optimally. The types of sports and their benefits for the body include:

Cardiovascular exercise

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Cardiovascular exercise such as running, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking are good choices because they can improve blood circulation, stamina, and heart health.

This type of exercise is also able to maintain blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and optimize the process of burning calories and body metabolism which ultimately slows down the effects of aging.

Cardiovascular exercise is also believed to improve mood and improve sleep quality.

Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise should be done for 150 minutes/week, namely 30 minutes/day with moderate aerobic exercise intensity (target heart rate 65-75% of maximum heart rate/DNM) or 75 minutes/week of high intensity aerobic exercise (target 76-85% DNM)

Power sports

Strength training such as weightlifting or strength training using your own body weight is also very important in supporting long-term health.

This type of exercise helps build muscle mass, increase bone density, and improve posture.

Strength training also helps increase the body’s metabolism so that body weight is maintained and blood sugar levels are well managed.

Strength or resistance training should be done 2-3 times/week involving various muscle groups and done with enough weight to cause fatigue after 8-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets.

Flexibility and balance sports

Yoga, Pilates, tai-chi, and stretching exercises help maintain body flexibility, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury.

This sport also helps in releasing tension and stress so that it has a positive impact on mental and emotional health. This type of sport can make its practitioners stay young and reduce the risk of stroke if done routinely.

Make the most of exercise

Exercise is important for the body, but don’t forget to do it wisely so that you can feel the benefits of exercise as best as possible.

Here are some things to pay attention to when exercising:

  • Consult a sports medicine specialist before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have a health condition that limits physical activity.
  • Vary your exercise routine. A combination of cardio, strength training, and balance training is important because they support each other.
  • Do exercise regularly and routinely. Regular and consistently scheduled exercise is very important, namely at least 150 minutes per week or about 30 minutes every day for five days a week.
  • Adjust the intensity of exercise to your physical condition. Moderate to high intensity can help maintain heart health and improve general physical fitness.
  • Get enough rest to recover and repair your body after exercise.
  • Provide your body with the right and balanced nutritional intake that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Another important thing to do alongside exercise to slow down the aging process is to always adopt a balanced nutritious diet and reduce fatty foods, foods containing excessive sugar and salt.

In addition, maintaining ideal body weight, stopping smoking, getting enough sleep, and managing stress well are also important factors to prevent signs of aging from coming prematurely.

“Establishing a healthy lifestyle from an early age is a valuable investment for the future. Of course you want to prepare yourself to enter old age with a healthy and fit body, right? Remember, healthy habits need to be built gradually. So, don’t delay any longer to start exercising regularly,” concluded Grace. (Z-1)

#Exercise #Proven #Younger



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