executive power between retreat and trial and error

2023-10-26 08:30:09

The ritual is now well established. For the fourteenth time under this legislature – the third since the parliamentary re-entry in September – Elisabeth Borne used, Wednesday October 25, article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote. Unsurprisingly, the Prime Minister relied on this provision to pass the second part of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2024 devoted to revenue, while the debates in public session at the National Assembly had started the day before.

Being able to count only on a relative majority in the Hemicycle, the head of government explained that she had no other choice but to apply this procedure, faced with the obstruction of opposition groups, which risked to deprive “our entire social model of its resources”. Denounced by M’s opponentsme Borne, this dramatization of the issues highlights the difficulties of the executive in closing the “Secu” budget: on several important issues, the powers in place are groping, taking a step backwards or trying to procrastinate.

Illustration of this fragility, three articles of the PLFSS – out of the five which were the subject of discussions – were deleted on Wednesday by a coalition bringing together elected officials from the left, right and far right. Among the rejected provisions is that which corrects, for the year 2023, the national health insurance spending objective. Although the amount has been increased, several opposition elected officials have denounced the insufficiency of the resources allocated: health establishments “will leave in 2024 with an aggravated deficit”declared Pierre Dharréville, communist deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, deploring this “bad signal”.

“Blurred” on medical deductibles

The oppositions also criticized the ” vague “ which reigns, according to them, over certain controversial projects – in particular that of “medical deductibles”. “We have a beautiful nebula [à ce sujet] »called out Yannick Neuder, Les Républicains (LR) deputy for Isère, regretting the absence of the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, detained in the Senate by the examination of a bill relating to access to care.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Social Security Budget: first battles in the National Assembly

For months, the government has been procrastinating over this approach put forward by Bercy: it would consist of doubling the amounts remaining payable by policyholders when they buy a medicine (currently 50 cents per box) or when they consult a doctor (1 euro). The requested effort may seem modest, especially since it is capped at 50 euros per patient per year, but the measure, likely to generate 800 million euros according to a ministerial source, offends health stakeholders. .

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