Executive delivered supplies to 11 fire departments

The National Executive delivered supplies to 11 fire departments to ensure immediate attention to the population.

The team was headed by the Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Remigio Ceballos, according to a press release.

Executive delivered supplies to 11 fire departments

Among the equipment provided by the Fire Department of the Montes municipality in the state of Sucre, there are 38 new vehicles, 11 recovered vehicle units, firefighter uniforms, Civil Protection uniforms, beekeeping suits, raincoats, rubber boots and tactical boots.

Tools, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, communications equipment, chainsaws, hoses, various equipment, tires for vehicles and materials to waterproof the roofs of houses were also delivered.

On the other hand, the Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace announced that a Comprehensive Diagnostic Center will soon be inaugurated in the town of Araya in the Cruz Salmerón Acosta municipality.

In addition, a hospital is expected to reopen in the Bermúdez municipality, for the benefit of approximately 100,000 inhabitants of the Paria Axis.


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#Executive #delivered #supplies #fire #departments
2024-07-24 23:45:59



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