EXCLUSIVE – Unions and employers agree on a “post-retirement” social agenda

2023-07-04 12:46:35

Posted Jul 4, 2023, 9:52 a.m.Updated Jul 4, 2023, 2:46 p.m.

Last June 21, during his last press conference, the president of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, showed himself to be very confident: the social partners, he said, will find an agreement on their “post-retirement” social agenda before the hundred days, the July 14 deadline set by Emmanuel Macron to draw up an initial assessment of the government’s action. It’s done. With a few days in advance, employers and unions have decided on the heads of chapters of the negotiations that they will present to the government, we learned from concordant sources.

The first part includes those that they can carry out independently, that is to say without a letter of framing stopped by Matignon. There are seven topics: governance of social protection groups (GPS, summer 2023); four-year Agirc-Arrco agreement with a negotiation organization meeting to be scheduled then negotiation in September 2023; launch of the follow-up committee for the national interprofessional agreement (ANI) teleworking: launch of the joint committee for transposition of the ANI value sharing; diagnosis on the provident fund of non-executives (within the framework of the ANI ATMP); Finally, promotion of trade union careers.

“It’s our business”

Not all subjects have the same value. There is what stems from previous agreements (monitoring committee), what is part of the long term and already started (GPS), or even what shows the will of the social partners to remind the executive “c ‘is our business’ (supplementary pensions). As for what emerges from the trade union careers, one of them points out that nothing will be possible without the employers dealing with the subject of the discrimination suffered by elected personnel.

The second part of the social agenda comes out of the so-called “L1” law, that is to say with a framework letter. “THE” major theme whose absence was reviled by opponents of the pension reform, CFDT in the lead, is included, namely that of the employment of seniors. “Yes, we can do better […] to employ, keep and adapt workstations”, assured Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux this Tuesday morning on “France Inter”, referring to a “first point of negotiation at the start of the school year”.

As a corollary, we find the establishment of the universal time savings account, Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promise which promises many debates between unions and employers. It also includes the theme of professional careers, the prevention of professional wear and tear and professional retraining, in connection with the professional branches.

Not refereed

Two other subjects of negotiations, finally, not arbitrated, are subject to additional work, still according to our information. First, that of unemployment insurance. It’s not win. The employers (and the government with it obviously) consider that it is necessary to start from the current situation, that is to say by keeping the benefit reforms imposed by the executive since 2021. Some unions, on the contrary, want to return to the ex-ante situation so as not to ratify the fait accompli.

The government is going to have to act quickly anyway. Unless it is extended, the decree which introduced the so-called principle of countercyclicality in force since February 1, namely a variation in the duration of compensation upwards or downwards depending on the state of the labor market , falls on December 31.

The sequel to Matignon

Second, and no less divisive, are wages and the evolution of classification grids, the numerous increases in the minimum wage in recent months crushing even more the revaluation indices. The negotiation is far from assured, between once more the unions who want to put the subject at the interprofessional level, and the Medef which considers that it is above all a subject of business.

The following ? The unions having sent an end of inadmissibility to the Head of State, it must in principle go through a meeting with Elisabeth Borne and her ministers concerned and all the social partners. The date remains to be decided.

More information to follow…

#EXCLUSIVE #Unions #employers #agree #postretirement #social #agenda



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