EXCLUSIVE – The number of civil servants shrunk in 2022 due to recruitment difficulties

Posted Apr 12, 2023, 6:10 PMUpdated on Apr 12, 2023, 6:38 PM

For months, private sector companies have been complaining regarding labor shortages and recruitment difficulties. Obviously, the employer state is no better off and is no more able to attract workers. The workforce in the state civil service fell by 5,844 jobs last year. This is what emerges from the 2022 budget settlement bill, which must be examined this Thursday in the Council of Ministers, and of which “Les Echos” was able to consult certain elements.

In itself, this drop is notable – it is the fifth time this has happened in the last ten years, but it is the largest since 2013. It is all the more so because it was absolutely not planned: in its initial finance law for 2022, the government planned on the contrary a slight increase of 767 positions in its workforce. That is a difference of 6,611 jobs between the forecast and the final result. Much more than line thickness!

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