2023-10-07 06:30:00
This is not trivial information but terribly interesting for cross-border workers. Indeed, as our French colleagues from BFMTV explain, a supermarket in Condé-sur-Escaut, a town in the north of France a few kilometers from the border, offers exceptional promotions once a week… only to Belgian customers !
The Carrefour supermarket in this small town therefore pleases its cross-border customers: every Thursday, the supermarket reserves discounts for our compatriots who cross the border. The promo is here: three euros reduction for every 60 euros purchase. The only conditions: show your loyalty card… and your Belgian identity card!
A boon for Belgian customers, faced with higher inflation than our French neighbors… but also for the store: according to the manager, this black-yellow-red Thursday represents more than a quarter of the company’s turnover. week. A win-win tip!
Some French customers, however, showed their disagreement. “I say no… I don’t agree because followingwards, there’s nothing left for us. Sometimes there is no more water and we have to go to another store“, explains a customer at the BFM microphone.
Management therefore decided to spare its compatriots by offering the same promotion… but on Tuesday!
France supermarket inflation
#boon #crossborder #commuters #supermarket #north #France #offers #discounts.. #Belgian #customers