Exciting Opportunity to Become Part of the Editorial Team at La Santé en Action Journal!

2024-05-13 22:00:00

Application terms and conditions

The application file must include:

a cover letter indicating professional and personal contact details, an email address and a mobile phone number1;a the course of life ;a list of works/publications from the last five years;a public declaration of interests (DPI) to be completed on the DPI SANTE ministerial portal.

The application file must be sent before 07/26/2024 to the following address: candidatures_comiteSA@santepubliquefrance.fr

1 Mandatory for authentication on the single site for public declarations of interests (DPI)

Selection procedures

Only complete files will be considered.

The selection of application files for the editorial committee of Health in action will be carried out on the basis of the elements provided in the cover letter, the suitability of the candidates with the skills sought, the analysis of the links of interest. It must ensure plurality and diversity in the composition of the committee.

Declarations of interest will be examined by the Internal Ethics Committee of Public Health France.

Given the ethical principles applicable to Santé publique France, the receipt of personal remuneration from industrialists in the field of the agency’s missions and participation in scientific or strategic consulting activities of these same industrialists represent a proven conflict of interest incompatible with appointment to the committee.

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of the examination of their application by email from the journal secretariat.

The following persons are not eligible to apply:

members of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Council, the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee and the Orientation and Dialogue Committee of Public Health France. persons who have not been active in the field of health promotion for more than five years.

Members are appointed by decision of the Director General of Public Health France. Their DPI is published on the DPI SANTE portal.
The composition of the committee is published on the agency’s website.

Public Health France Missions

The National Public Health Agency, created by Ordinance No. 2016-462 of April 14, 2016, is a public administrative institution of the State, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

The editorial line of Health in action

Health in actiona quarterly journal devoted to prevention, education and health promotion, is published by Santé publique France. With the Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire (BEH), a peer-reviewed journal, it is attached to the scientific valorization unit, within the communication and dialogue with society department.

The journal is accessible free of charge from the Santé publique France website, in PDF and e-pub format allowing accessibility.

It has 22,500 subscribers to the digital version. Printed in 7,000 copies, the paper version is sent to collective structures and institutions.

Health in action is aimed at education, health and social professionals who work in the public sector, particularly in local authorities, and in the private sector.

The journal relays scientific knowledge in the field in French and presents effective or promising field interventions. Its editorial line, structured around the theme of reducing social and territorial health inequalities, positions it as a tool to support the practice of professionals. It integrates recent concepts in health promotion, established by the scientific literature, such as the participation of citizens and stakeholders, accessibility, health literacy.

Particular attention is paid to actions carried out in the territories, including overseas, and to foreign experiences.

Each quarter, a thematic file offers articles of a scientific nature (epidemiological data, state of research, convincing prevention programs). The floor is given to actors in the field, in the form of interviews conducted by journalists. This constitutes the originality of the journal.

Articles or interviews in the “off-topic” section provide insight into prevention measures or recent experiments.

Missions of the editorial board of Health in action

The editorial board guarantees the quality of the content for a reference publication in prevention, education and health promotion.
Its members ensure the diversity and relevance of the subjects covered, the promotion of the most recent approaches, the coherence of the questions addressed, as well as compliance with ethical, legal and regulatory provisions, and respect for the rules of scientific integrity.

The editorial board is chaired by the editor-in-chief of Health in actionwith the support of the journal assistant and the head of the scientific valorization unit.

Committee mandate

Preparation of the summary of the journal

The editorial board helps define the contents of the journal. It proposes ideas for dossiers. It recommends authors with recognized skills on a theme, from whom articles are commissioned. It approves specialists or field professionals likely to be interviewed.

Each file is managed by a group of coordinators, made up of two experts from Public Health France and two people from outside the institution. The editorial committee also suggests names of possible coordinators.

At each meeting, the editorial board discusses a draft file presented by the coordinators. During their term of office, each member of the editorial board participates in the coordination of at least one file within their area of ​​expertise.

Each article in the issue is reviewed by at least two people, members of the editorial board or external reviewers designated by them, according to the criteria established in a reading grid.
These two proofreadings are in addition to those of the file coordinators. They are essential to guarantee the quality of the content and its adequacy with the editorial line of Health in action.

The proofreading work is divided between the members of the editorial board, who undertake to validate the articles falling within their field of expertise.

Draft articles, sent spontaneously to the journal by academics or professionals wishing to make known the results of their work or experiments, are subject to a pre-reading by the committee.

Composition of the committee

The editorial board is made up of twenty members, including 10 qualified people from outside the agency appointed by the Director General of Public Health France and recruited by public call for applications.

Skills sought

To develop the content of the journal, the editorial board must bring together all the multidisciplinary skills in prevention, education and health promotion.
Different profiles are expected: researchers and academics from various disciplines (public health, sociology, psychology, educational sciences, anthropology, epidemiology, evaluation, etc.) and field actors with experiential knowledge.

Knowledge and involvement in the fields of public health, prevention, promotion and health education; Experience of participating in working groups; Writing and proofreading skills; Publications of scientific and/or professional writings in journals/books or field experience: knowledge of the rules of scientific integrity, particularly in the field of publication of articles.

How the committee works

The members of the editorial board are appointed for four years, a term renewable once. They sign a “confidentiality clause and a commitment to participate in meetings.”

The editorial board meets four times a year, for half a day – in person at Santé publique France and/or by videoconference. In addition, it can meet in small groups, as often as necessary, by videoconference.
Its members appoint a chairman of the editorial board, who represents the collective, without hierarchical link. He has the legitimacy to intercede with the general management of Public Health France.
The Director General of Public Health France provides the editorial committee with the resources necessary for its operation. The secretariat is provided by the scientific valorization unit.

Allowances and travel expenses

Travel and accommodation expenses are covered under the conditions provided for civil servants of the State. Only reimbursement of travel within mainland France is provided. However, for the committee’s launch meeting, long-distance travel expenses (overseas, Quebec or other) are covered, as well as another trip during the mandate.

Compensation for time spent participating in meetings and coordinating the file is carried out according to the scale set by the Board of Directors of Public Health France.

Specific compensation for loss of income is applied in the case of liberal activity.

Personal data

Your personal data is processed under the responsibility of Santé publique France. Their processing is based on the execution of pre-contractual measures linked to the application by the person concerned to the committee.

For unsuccessful candidates: CVs and application files will be deleted within three months of the end of the selection procedure. For candidates selected for the committee: CVs and application files will be kept for up to one year after the end of the mandate as part of your participation in the committee. Certain financial elements (RIB, proof of identity, etc.) which may be requested from you later, as they are necessary to cover your travel expenses and allowance, must, in accordance with the law, be kept for 5 years after the last payment.

The data will be processed by the competent agents of Santé publique France. You can exercise your rights of opposition, access and rectification, erasure and limitation of the processing of personal data by contacting Santé publique France, data protection officer, 12 rue du Val d’Osne, 94415 Saint Maurice Cedex or dpo@santepubliquefrance.fr (mention the name of your committee).

You can exercise your right of access, rectification and limitation concerning other data by also contacting Santé publique France, data protection officer, 12 rue du Val d’Osne, 94415 Saint Maurice Cedex or dpo@santepubliquefrance.fr (mention the name of your committee).

If you believe that your data rights have not been respected, you can file a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties.

For more information on these treatments: dpo@santepubliquefrance.fr.

#Call #applications #editorial #board #journal #Santé #action

Here are some PAA-related ⁤questions based on the title **Application Terms and Conditions for the Editorial​ Committee of Health in Action**:

Application Terms and Conditions for the⁣ Editorial Committee of Health in ⁣Action

Are you⁤ a health promotion professional looking to join the ‍editorial committee of Health in Action, a quarterly⁢ journal dedicated to prevention, education, and health promotion? If so, here are the application terms and conditions you need to know.

Application File Requirements

To apply, you must submit a complete application file that includes:

A cover letter indicating your professional and personal contact details,⁤ email address, and mobile phone number

‌ A list‍ of your works and​ publications⁣ from the last five years

⁣A public declaration ​of⁤ interests (DPI) to be completed on the DPI ⁣SANTE ministerial portal

‌A​ “course of life” document (further details not provided)

Submission ⁤Deadline and Contact Information

Your application file must be sent before July 26, 2024, to the ⁤following address: ​candidatures_comiteSA@santepubliquefrance.fr.

Selection Procedures

Only complete files will be considered. The selection of application files will ‌be based on the elements provided in​ the cover letter, the suitability of candidates with the ⁤skills sought, and the analysis of links of interest. The Internal Ethics Committee of ⁢Public Health France will‌ examine declarations of interest. Candidates will be informed of the outcome ⁤of the examination ​of their application by email from the journal secretariat.

Ineligibility ⁣Criteria

The following persons are not eligible to ⁣apply:

⁣Members of the Board of⁤ Directors, the Scientific Council,​ the Ethics and​ Professional Conduct Committee, and the​ Orientation and Dialogue Committee⁢ of Public Health France

Persons who have not been active in the field​ of‍ health promotion for ⁢more than five years

Mission of⁤ the Editorial‍ Board

The ⁤editorial board of Health in Action guarantees the quality of the content for a‌ reference publication in​ prevention, education, and health promotion.‍ Its members ensure the diversity and relevance of the subjects covered, the promotion of​ the most recent approaches, the coherence of the questions addressed,⁣ as well as compliance with ethical, legal, and regulatory provisions, and respect for the⁣ rules of scientific integrity.

About Health in Action

Health in Action is a quarterly journal published ​by Santé publique France, a public administrative institution of the State, placed ⁣under the ‍supervision of the Ministry of Health [[2]].‌ The⁤ journal is⁢ dedicated to prevention, education, and‌ health promotion, and‍ is aimed at education, health, and social professionals who work in ‌the public sector, particularly in local ​authorities,⁢ and in the ‌private sector. It has 22,500 subscribers to the ‌digital version and‌ is printed ‌in 7,000 copies, which are sent to ⁣collective​ structures and institutions.

The journal relays scientific knowledge in‌ the field in French and ⁣presents effective or promising field interventions. Its editorial line is structured ‌around the theme of reducing social and territorial⁣ health ‍inequalities, positioning it as a tool to ⁢support the practice of professionals. It integrates recent concepts in ‍health promotion, established ‍by the scientific literature, such as the participation of citizens and stakeholders, accessibility, health ⁢literacy.

Urban Planning and Health Promotion

Health in Action is an excellent example of health-friendly urban⁢ planning practices in action. The journal​ focuses on promoting health through urban planning, and its editorial line covers topics such as health ‍literacy, accessibility, and community participation [[1]]. These ​themes are particularly relevant in urban planning, where health considerations are ⁤essential to creating​ livable and sustainable ⁢cities.

International Cooperation

Santé publique France is ‌part of a broader ⁢international ​network of public health institutions, and Health in Action reflects this global⁣ perspective. The journal covers ⁣foreign experiences and actions carried ‍out in​ territories,‌ including overseas, highlighting the ⁣importance​ of international cooperation in health promotion [[3]].

joining the editorial⁤ committee of Health in Action is an excellent opportunity for health promotion professionals to contribute‌ to a leading publication in the field. ⁣By following the application terms and ​conditions outlined above, you can ‍be​ part⁢ of‌ a team that is committed to ‌promoting‌ health and⁣ well-being through evidence-based‌ practices and international cooperation.



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