Excitement Grows for the Imminent Trump-Harris Clash

Excitement Grows for the Imminent Trump-Harris Clash

For the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, the televised debate from Philadelphia will be a golden opportunity to present what she stands for, as well as to fight back against Trump’s personal attacks.

Trump has made a series of personal attacks and several racist and sexist remarks against Harris on social media in recent months.

One example was when at the end of August Trump republished a post, on his own social medium Truth Social, which referred to Harris’ sex life and how it has allegedly affected her career.

The personal attacks have continued at the same time as most opinion polls have gone in Harris’s favour. The Democrats’ candidate now has a button head start both in the national polls and in most of the swing states where the election can be decided. But there are still two months left until the election.

The beginning of the end

Televised debates can potentially change a lot, as President Joe Biden painfully learned after his awkward effort during the meeting with Trump at the end of June.

That debate was the beginning of the end for Biden’s time as president and prompted the Democrats to focus on Harris as their candidate.

Some commentators, however, warn against placing too much emphasis on televised debates. The news agency Reuters writes in an analysis that Hillary Clinton emerged victorious from all three debates against Trump in 2016 – and yet she lost the election that time.

Promise changes

Both Trump and Harris are running for election on promises of a new lease of life and major changes in the United States.

Harris tries to take her share of the credit for all the positives she believes Biden has achieved as president. At the same time, she distances herself from what has not gone so well during her time as vice president.

Despite his four years in the White House, Trump still likes to portray himself as an outsider and rebel who fights against the American judiciary and established institutions in Washington.

At the same time, he emphasizes himself as an experienced politician with broad international experience and claims, among other things, to quickly could have an end on the wars in Ukraine and Gaza if he comes to power.

Uncertain voters

If Trump repeats the personal attacks against Harris during the televised debate, he may alienate uncertain voters, especially those who are initially skeptical of his unpredictable temperament.

It happened during the debates against Clinton in 2016, when he lashed out at the Democrats’ candidate and let the insults rain, writes Reuters.

When he tried the same tactic against Joe Biden during a debate in 2020, Biden hit back and simply told Trump to shut up when others were talking.

Harris has so far mostly chosen to ignore the many personal attacks from Trump, and many are excited about how she will handle him when they are face to face in the TV studio.

Cheating claims

As a black woman with an Asian background, she undoubtedly has broad appeal in several voter groups, but many voters are probably unsure of where she stands politically. She now gets a good opportunity to tell that.

The former attorney general from California will probably also use the opportunity to remind voters about Trump’s behavior after the 2020 election, an election he still claims to have lost as a result of cheating on the part of the Democrats.

The allegation of election fraud was rejected in the judiciary, but on January 6, 2021, thousands of fanatical Trump supporters stormed the Congress building in Washington.

Experience as a public prosecutor

The background as a state attorney with court experience may make Harris better able to challenge Trump rhetorically than Biden did during the debate in June.

Trump, for his part, will probably attack her for everything he claims Biden has failed to do – from bringing down inflation to stopping the flow of migrants.

It is possible that he will also draw in the US’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, although foreign policy rarely features heavily in presidential election campaigns, points out Reuters.

– Threat to democracy

For months, the Democrats have portrayed Trump as authoritarian and a threat to democracy, which Harris is also expected to do during the upcoming debate.

Nor will anyone be surprised if she presses him on the issue of women’s right to self-determined abortion, where he is clearly at odds with the majority of the population in the United States.

Harris is also likely to criticize the economic policy Trump led as president, when he gave tax breaks to business but refused to raise the minimum wage.

Trump, for his part, is likely to present Harris as a dangerous left-wing extremist and recall the issues she emphasized during the election campaign four years ago.

Changed position

Harris then advocated an end to the system of private health insurance, and she also supported drastic measures to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse gases.

After she became vice-president, and to an even greater extent after she became the Democrats’ presidential candidate, she has toned down and partly changed her position on both this and other issues. The magazine Forbes has pointed out, among other things, how she has changed her view of the oil extraction method fracking.

In order to attract independent and undecided voters, Harris will have to answer well if she is asked about this.

Voters on the left of the Democratic Party are also anxious to see how close Harris is to Biden on these and other issues.

An important issue for these voters is Israel’s warfare in Gaza, which has cost more than 40,000 Palestinians their lives, according to local health authorities. The ongoing conflict has created rage and commitment among many on the party’s left wing.

#eagerly #awaiting #debate #Trump #Harris
2024-09-09 07:33:54

Here⁢ are ‌some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to ⁤the title “Kamala Harris Prepares for Televised Debate​ Against Trump: ‍A Golden Opportunity‍ to ⁣Present Her⁢ Platform ‌and Fight Back Against Personal Attacks”:

Kamala Harris ⁤Prepares for ​Televised Debate Against Trump: A ⁤Golden Opportunity to Present Her Platform and Fight Back Against Personal Attacks

With the televised debate from Philadelphia just around the corner, Democratic‌ presidential candidate Kamala​ Harris is ​gearing up‍ to present her platform and fight back against Donald Trump‘s personal attacks. The debate provides Harris with a golden opportunity ⁢to showcase her stance on key issues⁢ and counter Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

Trump’s Personal ⁤Attacks

Trump has made​ a series of personal attacks ​and racist and sexist remarks against Harris on social media in recent months. One example is when he republished a post on his ⁣own‍ social media platform, Truth ‍Social, which referred to ⁤Harris’ sex life ‌and how it has allegedly affected her career [[1]]. The personal attacks have continued ‍despite Harris leading in the national polls and most swing ​states [[2]].

A Chance to Counter Trump’s ‌Attacks

The ‍televised debate provides Harris with⁢ a platform to ‌counter Trump’s attacks⁤ and ‌present her vision for the country. Harris has ⁣largely ignored Trump’s personal attacks, and many are excited to‍ see how she will ⁤handle him when they​ are ‍face-to-face in the TV studio. The​ debate is an opportunity for Harris ⁢to remind voters about Trump’s behavior⁤ after the 2020 election, which he still claims to have lost due to cheating by the Democrats [[3]].

A⁤ Threat to Democracy

Harris is expected to portray ‍Trump as authoritarian and a threat to democracy, a narrative‌ that the ⁤Democrats⁤ have ‌been pushing for ‌months. She is likely to press Trump on issues‍ such‌ as⁢ women’s ⁢right ‌to self-determined⁣ abortion, where he is clearly⁤ at odds with the⁤ majority of the population in the United States.

Experience​ as a Public Prosecutor

Harris’ background as a state attorney with court⁤ experience may ‍give her an edge in challenging Trump ‌rhetorically.⁢ Trump, on the other hand, ‌is⁢ likely to attack Harris for everything he ⁣claims Biden has failed to do, including bringing down inflation and stopping the flow of‍ migrants.

Changed Positions

Harris ‍has ​toned down and‌ partly changed her position on several issues, including ​her previous ⁤advocacy for an end to ⁢the system⁤ of private health insurance and her support ⁤for⁤ drastic measures to reduce ⁣emissions of harmful greenhouse gases. The magazine Forbes ⁢has pointed out how she ​has ⁣changed her views on fracking, for​ example ⁣ [[4]].


**PAA Related Questions:**

Kamala Harris Prepares for Televised Debate Against Trump: A Golden Opportunity to Present Her Platform and Fight Back Against Personal Attacks

As the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, takes the stage in Philadelphia for the highly anticipated televised debate against President Trump, she faces a golden opportunity to present her platform, fight back against personal attacks, and sway uncertain voters. The debate comes at a critical time, with Trump having launched a series of personal attacks and racist and sexist remarks against Harris on social media in recent months.

The Beginning of the End

Trump’s personal attacks have continued even as opinion polls have gone in Harris’s favor, with the Democrats’ candidate now having a significant head start both in national polls and in most swing states. However, with two months left until the election, the televised debate presents a crucial moment for Harris to reinforce her stance and counter Trump’s attacks.

Promise Changes

Both Trump and Harris are running on promises of change and reform in the United States. Harris aims to take credit for the positives achieved during her time as vice president while distancing herself from areas that did not go well. Trump, on the other hand, portrays himself as an outsider and rebel, fighting against the American judiciary and established institutions in Washington.

Uncertain Voters

If Trump repeats his personal attacks during the debate, he risks alienating uncertain voters who are initially skeptical of his unpredictable temperament. Harris’s ability to handle Trump’s attacks and present her platform will be crucial in winning over these voters.

Cheating Claims

As a black woman with an Asian background, Harris has broad appeal in several voter groups. However, many voters remain unsure of her political stance. The former attorney general from California will likely use the opportunity to remind voters about Trump’s behavior after the 2020 election, which he still claims to have lost due to cheating on the part of the Democrats.

Experience as a Public Prosecutor

Harris’s experience as a public prosecutor will be an essential aspect of her platform during the debate. She is expected to highlight her achievements in this role, including her efforts to reform the criminal justice system and protect the rights of marginalized communities.

Threat to Democracy

The debate also presents an opportunity for Harris to emphasize



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