Exchange rate: Price of the dollar in Peru during the morning of today, January 5, 2022

Today, during the morning of this Wednesday, January 5, the dollar It presents a price of S / 3.96 at the interbank level.

It is exchange rate it has remained since the last exchange session on Monday, when it fell 0.78%.

The fall of dollar, which remains below S / 4, occurred despite the global rise of the US currency.

Worldwide the currency rose to a maximum of five years due to the expectations of interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve of U.S.

But, this was mitigated by the perception of the investors which indicated that the variant of the coronavirus omicron it will have a limited economic impact.

In the Peruvian market the quote It was also related to the better expectations of the main economic and financial variables.

How much does the dollar cost you?

The latest report of how much is indicates that in money changers and exchange houses, the price of the dollar for the purchase is S / 3.93 and for the sale it is S / 3.98 on average.

While in banks, the purchase price of Dollars is between S / 3.84 and S / 3.95, and the sale of the uniform It is between S / 3.99 and S / 4.08.

Keep in mind that this morning the dollar price It still does not present any changes, but it will begin to change as soon as the day begins today at approximately 9:00 am.




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