Exchange rate of the euro, the dollar and the MLC in Cuba today

The exchange rates of the US dollar (USD), the euro (EUR) and the freely convertible currency (MLC) in Cuba continue to show stability, according to the most recent reports from the independent media The Touch.

These rates, which have remained unchanged over the past few weeks, remain a key reference for those who carry out transactions in the informal market.

  • USD a CUP: 320 CUP/USD
  • EUR a CUP: 330 CUP/EUR
  • MLC a CUP: 275 CUP/MLC

These values ​​reflect the current situation of the Cuban informal market, where currency buying and selling operations are carried out at prices that differ significantly from official values.

Currency equivalents according to El Toque rates

Below are the equivalents for different amounts of currency using the current El Toque rates:

USD Equivalents:

  • Para 10 USD: 3,200 CUP
  • Para 20 USD: 6,400 CUP
  • Para 50 USD: 16,000 CUP
  • Para 100 USD: 32,000 CUP
  • Para 150 USD: 48,000 CUP
  • Para 200 USD: 64,000 CUP
  • Para 250 USD: 80,000 CUP
  • Para 300 USD: 96,000 CUP

Equivalents for EUR:

  • For 10 EUR: 3,300 CUP
  • For 20 EUR: 6,600 CUP
  • For 50 EUR: 16,500 CUP
  • For 100 EUR: 33,000 CUP
  • For 150 EUR: 49,500 CUP
  • For 200 EUR: 66,000 CUP
  • For 250 EUR: 82,500 CUP
  • For 300 EUR: 99,000 CUP

Equivalences for MLC:

  • For 10 MLC: 2,750 CUP
  • For 20 MLC: 5,500 CUP
  • For 50 MLC: 13,750 CUP
  • For 100 MLC: 27,500 CUP
  • For 150 MLC: 41,250 CUP
  • For 200 MLC: 55,000 CUP
  • For 250 MLC: 68,750 CUP
  • For 300 MLC: 82,500 CUP

Currency Equivalences

In addition to conversions to CUP, it is also useful to calculate direct conversions between different currencies using the rates provided:

  • EUR and MLC: 1 EUR ≈ 1.2 MLC
  • USD a MLC: 1 USD ≈ 1.16 MLC

Values ​​observed in Telegram groups

On the other hand, in Telegram groups such as “Cambio MLC”, slightly different exchange rates are reported, reflecting the current conditions of this parallel market:

Summary of averages in the Telegram group “MLC Exchange”:

  • USD a CUP: 320 CUP/USD
  • EUR a CUP: 330 CUP/EUR
  • MLC a CUP: 265 CUP/MLC

These rates indicate a slight variability in exchange rates, influenced by supply and demand in these trading spaces.

Notes on official rates

Finally, it is important to remember that the official exchange rates established by the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC) are:

  • USD: 120 CUP/USD
  • EUR: 130 CUP/EUR
  • MLC: 110 CUP/MLC

Despite the notable differences between official and informal rates, many Cubans continue to turn to the parallel market due to the greater availability and speed of transactions.

#Exchange #rate #euro #dollar #MLC #Cuba #today



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