Exchange rate of the dollar, euro and MLC in Cuba. Official and unofficial currency exchange

What is the official and unofficial exchange rate of the dollar and the euro in Cuba today, October 2? This is how the price of the most demanded currencies on the island dawns, according to the black market and official banks.

Like every morning, Directorio Cubano offers you updated information on the official and informal exchange rate of currencies on the island.

This October 2, this is how the currency rates are in Cuba, both in the informal and official markets, according to data provided by the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC) and the media El Toque.

Below, we show you the official and informal exchange rates for the dollar, euro, MLC, among other currencies.

What is the value of the dollar in Cuba today? We answer one of the most frequently asked questions among Cubans every day.

Here you can check the exchange rates of the USD, euro and other currencies on the island, such as the pound sterling, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso, in their official and informal versions.

Exchange rate of the dollar and the euro in Cuba today

According to El Toque, an alternative media used as a reference, the values ​​of the informal currency market in Cuba at the beginning of the day are the following at this dawn:

1 EUR = 335.00 CUP
1 USD = 320.00 CUP
1 MLC = 270.00 CUP

It is important to remember that these values ​​are referential, based on purchase and sale announcements on social networks. They do not represent an official guide to the exchange market, but they are the prices that most Cubans use when buying and selling currency on the street.

The Cuban government has not yet implemented a mechanism that regulates the price of currencies outside the official market in Cuba, although last week it reaffirmed that they are working on it.

What are the official exchange rates today, according to the BCC? Below, we show you the prices of the dollar, euro, and other currencies, such as the pound sterling, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, etc.

inside cuba currencies today

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