Excessive nocturia is associated with a 43% higher risk of kidney failure mortality within 3 years!kidney-protecting foods

Are there symptoms of kidney disease? Some nephrologists have pointed out that many people believe anemia and fatigue are indicators of kidney disease. In reality, these symptoms may suggest that individuals have reached the fifth stage of renal failure. How can it be detected early? The frequency of nocturia is a key reference indicator. If this number surpasses a certain threshold, it could result in kidney failure within as little as three years!

Excessive nocturia can lead to kidney failure in as little as 3 years

Nephrologist Jiang Shoushan discussed on the show “Little Universe Explosion” how to monitor kidney health, detect early signs of kidney disease, and emphasizes the importance of tracking nocturia as one of the indicators.

What is the connection between nocturia and kidney disease? ⬇⬇⬇

What is considered a normal or abnormal frequency of nocturia?

Individuals with normal kidney function

  • If someone drinks 600 ml of water or consumes watermelon before bed, it is normal to urinate only once during the night.

Patients with bedwetting issues

  • Nocturia occurring two or more times per night indicates that the kidneys are unable to concentrate urine.
  • If the condition does not improve within one week, medical consultation should be sought immediately, as kidney failure may develop within 3 to 15 years.

Nocturia occurring twice a night signals potential kidney failure Alarm?

Dr. Jiang Shoushan explained that during sleep, the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland releases antidiuretic hormone to the kidneys, which lowers the urge to urinate at night. When nocturia happens two or more times during the night, it indicates that this mechanism has malfunctioned and the kidneys are signaling distress.

The use of painkillers can also lead to nocturia. Dr. Jiang Shoushan noted that the kidneys possess self-healing abilities, and most people’s nocturia will only persist for a few days and resolve after taking pain medication. However, if nocturia lasts more than a week without improvement, it is essential to seek medical advice.

Excessive nocturia is associated with a 46% higher mortality rate

Toxicology nurse Tan Dunci also highlighted on the show that a study revealed that if nocturia occurs more than twice a night, the mortality rate increases by 29%. A frequency of more than three times raises the mortality risk by 46%. The public is encouraged not to underestimate the significance of nocturia.

Beware of early signs of kidney disease/kidney failure and mitigate the risks of kidney dialysis

According to information from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, if the symptoms of kidney disease go untreated, it can progress to end-stage renal failure, possibly necessitating lifelong kidney dialysis. Common signs of early-stage kidney disease and impending kidney failure include:

  • Blood-tinged or tea-colored urine (hematuria), foamy urine (proteinuria), cloudy urine (indicating urinary infection)
  • Red, painful, and frequent urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pebble-like particles in urine
  • Polyuria, decreased urine output, nocturia
  • Lower back and abdominal pain, swollen ankles or eyelids, high blood pressure

Doctors recommend four essential kidney-protecting foods. Is drinking a specific type of coffee also beneficial?

Once kidney cells are damaged, recovery is generally challenging. At best, current kidney function can be maintained to prevent further deterioration. How can kidney health be preserved? Dr. Jiang Shoushan recommends four kidney-friendly foods:

Kidney-protecting foods|1. Turmeric

  • Nutrients: Turmeric is among the strongest foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Efficacy: It promotes the rapid removal of toxins, reduces damage to renal glomeruli, and enhances kidney filtration efficiency; it can combat stubborn lupus erythematosus nephritis, alleviate kidney inflammation, and protect kidney health.

Kidney-protecting foods|2. Black coffee

  • Research indicates that individuals who regularly consume coffee are less likely to experience kidney failure; those with kidney disease who drink coffee also have a reduced risk of mortality from kidney conditions in the future.
  • It is low in phosphorus and potassium.
  • Using a filtered preparation method can eliminate harmful coffee oils while retaining beneficial compounds like chlorogenic acid and trigonelline, helping to avoid an increase in body cholesterol.
  • Avoid adding milk or sugar to maintain the antioxidant potency of coffee.

Kidney-protecting foods|3. Fish oil

  • Studies have shown that fish oil can mitigate kidney function damage.
  • Patients with hematuria exhibit a lower likelihood of developing kidney failure after supplementation.
  • It can lower blood pressure, reduce blood triglycerides, decrease vascular resistance, and minimize blood clotting.
  • Fish oil also reduces kidney inflammation, providing additional kidney protection.

Kidney-protecting foods|4. Probiotics

  • Certain probiotics primarily utilize nitrogenous waste products deemed “waste” by the body.
  • They assist in eliminating harmful nitrogenous substances that threaten kidney health, thereby protecting kidney function.

source:Big explosion of small universe

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Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Are you aware of the symptoms of kidney disease? Many individuals mistakenly believe that anemia and fatigue are key indicators of kidney failure; in actuality, these symptoms may surface only when a person has reached the fifth stage of renal failure. Early detection is crucial, and one important sign to monitor is the frequency of nocturia. Research indicates that excessive nighttime urination can predict potential kidney failure within as little as three years.

Excessive Night Urination: A Red Flag for Kidney Failure

Nephrologist Jiang Shoushan recently shared vital information on the show “Little Universe Explosion”, explaining how to keep tabs on kidney health and recognize early signs of kidney disease. He emphasized that nocturia, or increased urination at night, serves as a significant indicator requiring attention.

What Is the Connection Between Nocturia and Kidney Disease?

The relationship between nocturia and kidney disease is critical. Understanding what constitutes normal versus abnormal nocturia frequency is essential:

Normal vs. Abnormal Frequency of Nocturia

1. Individuals with Normal Kidney Function

  • Even after consuming around 600 ml of liquids or high-water-content foods like watermelon, urinating once during the night is considered normal.

2. Individuals with Bedwetting Symptoms

  • Experiencing nocturia two or more times a night indicates the kidneys are struggling to concentrate urine.
  • If this condition persists for over a week, a medical consultation is imperative. Failure to address this could lead to kidney failure in as little as three to fifteen years.

When Nocturia Becomes a Warning Sign

Dr. Jiang explains that, during sleep, the body secretes antidiuretic hormone, which signals the kidneys to reduce urine production. When nocturia occurs twice or more each night, it indicates that this regulatory mechanism is failing, sending out an urgent alert about the kidneys’ distress.

Additionally, excessive nocturia could stem from the use of painkillers. While many experience temporary nocturia that subsides after a few days, if symptoms continue for more than a week, seeking medical advice is crucial.

The Mortality Risk Associated with Excessive Nocturia

Toxicology nurse Tan Dunci highlighted alarming statistics on nocturia’s consequences. Studies reveal that nocturia occurring more than twice a night correlates with a 29% increase in mortality risk, while three or more occurrences escalate this risk to 46%. It is clear that nocturia should not be taken lightly.

Recognizing Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Failure to address early symptoms of kidney disease can lead to end-stage renal failure, often necessitating lifelong dialysis. Recognizing these symptoms is vital for proactive health management:

  • Blood-tinged or tea-colored urine (hematuria), foamy urine (proteinuria), or cloudy urine (indicating a urinary infection).
  • Painful, frequent urination.
  • Difficulty initiating urination.
  • Presence of small gravel in urine.
  • Polyuria, diminished urine output, and nocturia.
  • Generalized pain in the waist or abdomen, swelling in ankles or eyelids, and elevated blood pressure.

Four Recommended Kidney-Protecting Foods

Once kidney cells sustain damage, recovery becomes challenging. It’s paramount to maintain current kidney function and prevent further deterioration. Dr. Jiang Shoushan advises incorporating the following four foods into your diet for optimal kidney health:

1. Turmeric

  • Nutrients: Highly regarded for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Efficacy: Promotes rapid detoxification, minimizes damage to renal glomeruli, enhances filtration function, combats lupus erythematosus nephritis, and mitigates kidney inflammation.

2. Black Coffee

  • Research indicates that regular coffee drinkers tend to have a lower risk of developing kidney failure. Additionally, kidney disease patients who consume coffee show a reduced mortality risk.
  • Opt for filtered coffee to eliminate harmful components and retain beneficial compounds such as chlorogenic acid and trigonelline. Avoid adding milk or sugar to preserve coffee’s antioxidant properties.

3. Fish Oil

  • Fish oil has been found to mitigate kidney function deterioration and is linked to reduced risks of kidney failure, particularly in patients with hematuria.
  • It improves blood pressure, lowers blood triglycerides, alleviates vascular resistance, and minimizes inflammatory responses in the kidneys.

4. Probiotics

  • Certain probiotics consume nitrogen-based waste products deemed harmful. Incorporating these into your diet aids in eliminating these substances, thereby safeguarding kidney health.

Practical Tips for Kidney Health

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water supports kidney function and assists in waste elimination.
  • Limit Salt Intake: Excessive salt can strain the kidneys; moderating consumption is essential.
  • Avoid Overuse of Painkillers: Chronic use of NSAIDs can lead to kidney damage.
  • Monitor Your Urination Patterns: Tracking any changes in urination frequency can provide insights into kidney health.

Case Studies and First-Hand Experiences

Many patients report a significant difference in kidney health upon modifying their diets and being vigilant about symptoms. Regular check-ups help catch potential issues early. One patient, who incorporated turmeric and probiotics into her meals, noted improved kidney test results and reduced fatigue. Her proactive approach emphasizes the importance of recognizing symptoms and dietary choices in maintaining kidney health.

Understand that the path to better kidney health begins with awareness and action. Regular check-ups and being mindful of your body’s signals can drastically alter health trajectories for those at risk of kidney disease.

Source: Big Explosion of Little Universe

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