Excessive Commissioner requires investigation and prosecution into allegations of violence throughout failed coup

The United Nations (UN) Excessive Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, expressed his “deep concern” concerning the state of affairs in Bolivia following the failed coup try, calling for an investigation into the violence reported through the rebellion and for these detained to obtain a “truthful trial.”

“I urge the authorities to hold out a radical and neutral investigation into the allegations of violence and stories of accidents,” the UN human rights chief stated in a quick assertion.

“These accountable should be held accountable, and people detained in reference to the occasions should obtain truthful trials,” he added.


The Austrian Excessive Commissioner additionally thought of it essential that the Bolivian authorities, “together with the armed forces, assure full respect for human rights in all circumstances, shield the constitutional order and keep peace.”

“Dialogue and democratic mechanisms are the one method to resolve any stress,” concluded Türk, who provided the assist of the workplace he directs “to Bolivia’s efforts to defend human rights and democracy.”

United Nations / EFE

#Excessive #Commissioner #calls #investigation #prosecution #allegations #violence #failed #coup
2024-06-27 22:05:24

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