01:47 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Books – Karim Hassan
A few days separate us from Sham El-Nessim, when many people prefer to eat salted fish, such as herring, which contain high levels of salts, so how can we get rid of them?
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In the following lines, “The Consulto” shows a list of the most useful drinks for getting rid of excess salts in the body, according to the “Eating well” website.
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Drinks to get rid of excess salts in the body
1- Water
Consuming enough water can help get rid of excess sodium in the body.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), daily fluid intake recommendations vary according to age, gender, pregnancy, and breastfeeding status, meaning there is no exact recommendation as to how much plain water adults and young adults should drink per day.
Strategies for getting plenty of water daily include eating foods that are high in water.
Also read: Sham El-Nessim in Ramadan – your healthy guide to celebrate it
2- Green and black tea
Tea, both green and black, is among the methods that are very effective in helping the body get rid of excess salts, as they are natural diuretics, and thus help to expel waste out of the body.
3- Fennel
Fennel is distinguished by its very high potassium content, which helps to get rid of excess salts and prevent water retention in the body, while it contains a low percentage of sodium, which is estimated at regarding 360 milligrams of potassium per cup, compared to regarding 45 milligrams of sodium.
Fennel also contains calcium and magnesium, which are minerals that can help reduce salt levels in the body.
4- Basil
The role played by basil in this regard is not much different from the role of fennel, as eating basil can help to get rid of excess salts in the body significantly, as every 100 grams of basil contains 295 milligrams of potassium and a very small percentage of sodium.
5- Parsley
Parsley is classified among the herbs that contain a high percentage of potassium, which helps to get rid of excess salts in the body, on the grounds that it is a natural diuretic, thus expelling excess salts with water.
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